Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public


To receive questions from members of the public who wish to ask a general question in respect of matters within the Council’s area of responsibility or influence.


Subject to the Chair’s discretion, members of the public may ask one question and one supplementary question, which should relate to the original question and answer received.


Councillors may also ask questions under this agenda item.



A number of members of the public attended the meeting and asked the following questions:-


(1)  Mr. Stubbs, a member of the Boston Castle Moorgate Residents Association, expressed his disappointment following the questions at the Council Meeting on the 22nd May, 2024 where it was suggested a meeting be arranged with local residents following the raising of their concerns and the number of questions unanswered.


A letter from the Chief Executive indicated a meeting would be arranged by the 7th June, 2024, but nothing had yet been confirmed.


In response the Chief Executive confirmed she had written to Councillor Yasseen, Ward Member.  The Chief Executive advised that  any such meeting would be subject to further consideration in light of the calling of a General Election.


A meeting would be arranged as quickly as possible following consultation with the Monitoring Officer and details provided in the next few days.


In a supplementary question Mr. Stubbs explained it had been three weeks since the meeting of full Council.  Residents were experiencing problems on a day-to-day basis and believed the Council was simply stalling.  A residents’ meeting attended by over a hundred and twenty people was arranged on the 20th May, but neither Councillor Sheppard nor anyone accountable attended this public meeting.


The Chief Executive reiterated the need to take advice given the restrictions on holding meetings during the period leading up to a General Election, but confirmed when a meeting was arranged senior officers would be in attendance and updates on actions to date would be provided.


(2)  Councillor Yasseen referred to the situation with the Carlton Park Hotel and the recent residents’ meeting which was held on the 20th May, 2024.  From this meeting a priority list of queries was produced by residents, but the main issue of concern was did the Council have a legal contract in place with the owners of the Carlton Park and if so when did it commence and when would it end.


The Assistant Director for Housing confirmed there was no actual contract as such with the hotel and rooms were paid for on a nightly basis much like any other booking.


In a supplementary question Councillor Yasseen, therefore, asked how could the Council ensure priority for individuals and ensure the hotel was meeting specific need.  It was difficult to understand how the hotel played a role in emergency housing when it continued to take regular bookings.


The Assistant Director for Housing explained the Carlton Park was just a provider for emergency accommodation and the wrap around support for individuals was provided by the Council.  Those placed in emergency accommodation in a hotel had a designated support worker and were referred into commissioned support services.


Households placed at the hotel were subject to an occupancy agreement. In the event that occupancy agreements were breached then, if appropriate, the Council could bring a duty to accommodate to an end.


(3)  Mr. Azam reiterated his current and previous concerns about Herringthorpe’s Muslim Burial Ground and provided background information about the planning application to extend submitted in October, 2022.  Little progress had been made and despite responses from statutory consultees it would appear Dignity believed it no longer viable to pursue the application.  He, therefore, asked what was the Council’s stance on this application and what was now happening with the land.


The Monitoring Officer pointed out the planning application was for Dignity to address.  A meeting had been arranged with Dignity’s Chief Executive, but this had to be rearranged to hopefully later this week where an update would be provided.


The Liaison Meeting was due to meet on the 25th July and a full update from both the Council and Dignity would be provided.


In a supplementary question Mr. Azam expressed his frustration with this long running issue and sought assurances that whichever Cabinet Member Bereavement Services came under would give their commitment moving forward.  Visits had been made to the Muslim Section of the graveyard and an invitation was also extended to the Cabinet Member.


The Leader confirmed Bereavement Services was under the portfolio of Councillor Sheppard, who was also the Deputy Leader and he would, indeed, pass on the invitation.


(4)  Mr. Hussain shared information he had received from Councillor Sheppard which indicated there was enough space in the Muslim Section at Herringthorpe Graveyard for  six years and six months based on the figures he had received.


Having walked around the area there was only enough space for around sixty-five graves.  Based on burial figures over the last five years, there was barely only two years space left.  The calculations from Councillor Sheppard obviously differed and he provided details of the burials to date for this year alone.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed the data had been provided by Dignity and Glendale and formed part of their operational plan.  Mr. Hassan was invited to provide further information and this would be taken forward with Dignity and Glendale and reviewed.


The Leader pointed out that the spacing concerns could be pointed out to Councillor Sheppard when a visit was arranged.


In a supplementary question Mr. Hussain explained he was in receipt of correspondence from Dignity dated 7th June, 2024, setting out figures for burials over the last three years, which direct conflicted with the information Councillor Sheppard had.  He asked if someone could look into this.


The Leader invited Mr. Hussain to provide details of the information he was in receipt of and for this to be raised in the Liaison Meeting to ensure the correct figures were shared with everyone.