Agenda item

Housing Delivery Programme Report 2024-25 Update


Report from the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.




That Cabinet:


1.    Approves the newly identified Council-owned site listed in Appendix 1 being brought forward to deliver new Council homes.

2.    Approves the removal of Mill Lane, South Anston from the Housing Delivery Programme as listed in Appendix 1.

3.    Approves the disposal of Mill Lane, South Anston via open market sale or auction.

4.    Approves the Capital receipts received from the disposal of Mill Lane, South Anston being ringfenced for sites within the Housing Delivery Programme.

5.    Approves the purchase of homes from any of the schemes identified in Exempt Appendix 2.

6.    Notes that authority to purchase up to 100 homes from the market has been delegated to the Assistant Director for Housing following approval of the Housing Acquisitions Policy Cabinet report on 16 October 2023. The 100 homes provision is now reflected in Exempt Appendix 2. 

7.    Agrees to continue to receive an update on the housing development programme every six months.


Supporting documents: