Agenda item

Introduction and overview from Claire Smith, Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place (Rotherham), South Yorkshire ICB

To receive information from Claire Smith, Deputy Director of Place (Rotherham), South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) about her role and that of the ICB in the context of the Health Select Commission.


The Chair welcomed Claire Smith, Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place, South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).


The Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place, South Yorkshire ICB provided a high-level overview of their role and that of the ICB in the context of the work of the Health Select Commission.  They outlined the journey from previous arrangements as Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to the current structure and arrangements as an ICB.


Members were advised that when comparing South Yorkshire to similar regions, population health outcomes weren’t where they needed to be across a number of areas. They likewise acknowledged that there were variations in outcomes across and within the four South Yorkshire places.


The Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place, South Yorkshire ICB outlined the legislative drivers prompting the formation of the Integrated Care System (ICS), South Yorkshire ICB’s role within that, and its relationship with the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP).


They outlined the ICB’s four key aims:-


·      Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare.

·      Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access.

·      Enhance productivity and value for money.

·      Help the NHS to support broader social care and economic development.


They described the ways in which the ICB works in partnership with Local Authorities, the NHS and the Voluntary Community Sector to collaboratively deliver those aims, through joint plans and strategies.


The Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place, South Yorkshire ICB confirmed that the ICB became responsible for POD (Pharmaceutical, Ophthalmic and Dental) services in April 2023 and was expected to take responsibility for commissioning of some specialised services over the next 12 months.


They explained the structure and operating methodology of the Rotherham Place Team, outlining the benefits of collaboration across places to bridge service gaps and achieve value for money. They also provided an overview of the Rotherham Health and Care Delivery Plan 2023-25.


Councillor Yasseen queried whether the strategic positioning of the ICB and the overarching structures will genuinely improve the performance of GP services and access to dentistry etc. and sought information regarding the evidence base giving rise to the implementation of that structure.


The Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place, South Yorkshire ICB stated that Rotherham was in a strong position in terms of partnership working compared to others at the start of the transformation journey, and added that this had minimised the visible impact at local level. They acknowledged that there was still work to do to build that evidence base.


Councillor Yasseen queried whether the ICB had agreed any targets or benchmarks with the Local Authority against which progress was assessed to give Members assurances that the intended impact and improvement priorities were being met in the Rotherham context.


The Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place, South Yorkshire ICB explained that it was Councillor Roche, Councillor Baker-Rogers’ predecessor who had driven that agenda, and the expectation was that this would continue with the new Cabinet Member for Adult Care and Health. It was acknowledged that it had proven difficult in the past to articulate progress made to the Health Select Commission in a meaningful way, but welcomed the opportunity to consider innovative ways to do so going forward.


Councillor Baker-Rogers commented that in their professional experience, collaborative and partnership working had always delivered tangible benefits and performance improvements. As such, they were confident that this applied equally to the ICB, but was in agreement that thought should be given to how success was measured.


Councillor Bennet-Sylvester described the health inequalities experienced within individual wards across the borough. Clarity was sought on the place definitions, social demography, geography and transport infrastructure and how this informed wider place plans.


The Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place, South Yorkshire ICB explained that the work of the ICB did take account of localised need, citing work being undertaken with The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (TRFT) and the Council to engage and consult at community level to ensure the needs of particular areas were more fully understood. It was confirmed that the ICB had contributed to Neighbourhood Plans.


Councillor Havard requested that it was noted that a member of TRFT staff had been actively involved with a number of groups the Council was involve in, which had proved valuable and beneficial.  They expressed their hope that this involvement would continue.


The Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT confirmed that there were no plans to cease involvement.


The Chair noted that they were aware that a number of priority areas of work were underway within the ICB. They requested further information regarding these workstreams via email, to allow members to consider any areas the Health Select Commission might want to look at in more detail.


The Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place, South Yorkshire ICB advised Members that the main priority was the best start in life, with others being around save place to sleep and health inequalities. They agreed to provide Members with further information in relation to these aspects of work, alongside the ICB’s place plan and priorities.




1.    That the role of the Director of Partnerships/Deputy Director of Place (Rotherham), and the SY ICB in the context of the Health Select Commission was noted.


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