Agenda item

Introduction and overview from Michael Wright, Managing Director/Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT

To receive information from Michael Wright, Managing Director/Deputy Chief Executive, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust about his role and that of TRFT in the context of the Health Select Commission.


The Chair welcomed Michael Wright, Managing Director/Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT.


The Managing Director/Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT provided a high-level overview of their role and that of TRFT in the context of the work of the Health Select Commission. 


An outline of the Trust’s five-year strategy, launched in 2022 and underpinned by the Trust’s vision, values, behavioural framework and strategic ambitions was provided. The strategy had recently undergone a refresh, which would enhance and increase the pace of delivery against its aims and objectives.


The Managing Director/Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT set out some notable achievements to date from the strategic plan describing the primary objectives for 2024/25 and the measures against which performance was assessed. Approximately 5 years ago, the Trust scored in the bottom quartile for positivity, with this having improved to the upper quartile following the most recent NHS staff survey.


The Trust was described as a combined Acute and Community Trust which employed five thousand staff, with operational bases which delivered health services at various locations across the borough.  It was explained that following a recent restructure, the Trust was operationally divided into four Clinical Care Groups:-


·      Care Group 1: Medical and Emergency Care.

·      Care Group 2: Surgery.

·      Care Group 3: Family Health (including Maternity, Paediatrics and Pharmacy).

·      Care Group 4: Community Care (including Imaging and Diagnostics).


The Managing Director/Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT explained that there were a number of quality improvement projects underway, which aimed to reduce staff turnover, notwithstanding the value of fresh perspectives.  This had already realised a reduction in Health Care Assistants (HCAs) turnover of 40% and 36% for entry level nursing staff.


The Trust’s HSMR (Hospital Standard Mortality Ratio) stood at 120 four years ago, which exceeded the national average of 90.  This had reduced to 90, which was below the position expected at that stage.  There were also significant reductions in locum and agency staffing costs incurred to the tune of approximately £3.7 million.


The Trust had achieved a notable reduction in 4 hour breaches in the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department, it was one of the first Trust’s post pandemic to regain compliance with the diagnostic target, it’s neonatal unit had undergone refurbishment and the Trust’s charity work was considerably expanded.


The Managing Director/Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT summarised the Trust’s Leadership Structure, noting that the Trust worked closely with place partner including the ICB, Local Authority and relevant others.  They described their broad portfolio and their contributions to the Health Select commission, detailing items relating to which the Health Select Commission received routine updates.


They stated that TRFT derived real value from its involvement in the work of the Health Select Commission.


The Chair thanked the Managing Director/Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT for their presentation and continued contributions to the Commissions work.


The Chair advised Members that the Managing Director/Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT was scheduled to present TRFT’s Annual Report at the next Health Select Commission meeting, and suggested it may be prudent to pose questions around their role and the work of the Trust at that meeting, in the context of the further information contained within that report.




1.    That the role of the Managing Director of Partnerships/Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT and that of TRFT in the context of the Health Select Commission was noted.


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