Agenda item

Update on the Public Service Telephone Network


Further to Minute No. 24 of the meeting held on 30th July, 2024, Luke Sayers, Assistant Director Customer Information and Digital Services, presented a report which highlighted the work being undertaken by the Council to ensure that all Council services were not negatively impacted by the national shutdown of the Public Service Telephone Network (PSTN).


The PSTN was used to make ‘standard’ telephone calls on a landline or for other services that used the technology such as lift alarms, house alarms, some traffic lights and cameras.  The Council’s main telephone system did not use PSTN technology so was not impacted.


Openreach first announced in 2017 that the PSTN would be shutdown nationally on 31st December, 2025, although it had since been announced that the date for the service to cease would be delayed until 31st January, 2027.


A Project Group had been set up within the Council to identify all areas and functions that used PSTN. The majority of work to identify systems that used PSTN was now completed and all suppliers of any system using PSTN had been contacted to ensure they had appropriate and timely plans in place to complete any work that fell under their responsibility. 


Rothercare was the main area of focus for the Council due to the considerable number of residents impacted by the changes and their vulnerability. An Adult Care team was managing this project to ensure that all alarm boxes within residential properties were replaced with new equipment. A number of boxes had already been replaced and all new users of the Rothercare service were automatically set up using the new technology, which was reported as working well.  It was emphasised that there would be no financial costs to service users for the replacement of alarm boxes.  


It was noted that Data Sharing Agreements were now in place with all telecoms providers to assist with the identification of vulnerable residents to ensure appropriate systems were put in place for those specific users. 


380 RMBC PSTN lines had now been transitioned to new technology which included lift alarms, CCTV, traffic signalling, fire and burglar alarms and traditional telephone lines. 


A programme communication plan was being developed and a landing page on the Council’s website was now live.  


The situation would continue to be closely monitored with the Council continuing to work towards completion by the original completion date of 31st December 2025 rather than the official switch off date of 31st January 2027.


The Committee, in noting the detail, asked how users had been notified about the changes and if Members could do anything to support the roll out of communications. They were advised that communications would be issued via the Council’s website and crib sheets would be provided to Members to use when sharing information with residents. The Assistant Director explained that it would be necessary to access Rothercare users’ properties to set up and test new technology and arrangements for those visits would be controlled and carried out in an appropriate way. 


The Committee queried if there would be any costs for overruns and were advised that there would be no costs for overruns as all associated costs had been built into the overall business case.  It was also noted that Rothercare was the subject of a comprehensive review by Adult Social Care Services and the outcome of that review (including reference to the new technology) would be presented to Cabinet.


The Committee also sought assurance on how third-party vendors would be managed to ensure compliance was achieved and were advised that contracts had been strengthened where appropriate and each one would be managed on a case-by-case basis.


In response to a further question regarding Internal Audit activity, the Assistant Director confirmed there was no specific plans to undertake an audit at this stage but he would welcome an audit on specific areas of the project where it was considered it would add value.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the work being undertaken to ensure that all residents and Council services were not negatively impacted by the changes be noted.

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