Committee details

The Former Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families' Services

Purpose of committee

This portfolio is the designated lead Member for Children’s Services to discharge functions to the local authority as they relate to Children and Young People, including education, children’s social care and local partnership.  To provide a single line of political accountability within the local authority for services to children and to promote co-operation to improve children’s well being amongst partners.


·              Children’s Safeguarding and prevention and early intervention strategies

·              FCAF and referral and assessment processes

·              Family intervention, fostering and looked after children including out of borough placements.

·              Transitional arrangements from childhood to adulthood for young people with complex needs.

·              Lifelong Learning

·              Lead Member for Education & 14-19 Strategy including early years, schools, special schools, and pupil referral units.

·              Member of the Health and Wellbeing Board

·              SEN Transport provision


Contact information

Support officer: Hannah Etheridge, Democratic Services Officer, Committee Services.

Postal address:
Eric Manns Building
45 Moorgate Street
S60 2RB

Phone: 01709 822055

Fax: 01709 822068
