Issue - decisions

Agency Contract

22/12/2023 - Agency Contract





Date of Decision:

19th December 2023



Agency Contract


Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Jo Brown - Assistant Chief Executive



Details of Specific Cabinet Delegation

or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.


SECTION 4C2: ASSISTANT CHIEF EXECUTIVE – DELEGATED EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS The Assistant Chief Executive is authorised to discharge executive functions in relation to:


4. Human Resources

Appendix 9: RMBC Constitution Responsibility for Functions


Undertake a Direct Award for a 9-month contract to Matrix via the YPO 942 framework (Managing Temporary and Permanent Recruitment.


Reasons for the Decision:

To provide sufficient time to undertake soft market testing to understand how the market has evolved and how RMBC may better benefit from this contract and for the Council to fully define its scope of requirements.


The direct award would be made via the YPO Managing Temporary and Permanent Recruitment - 942 Framework, under Lot 1.


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

Complete a Further Competition process via the YPO 942 framework and award a multi-year contract.


This option would not provide sufficient time for the Council to determine its scope of requirements before awarding a long-term contract. 



Undertake a Direct Award via the YPO 942 framework and award a multi-year contract.


This option would not provide additional time to fully define its scope of requirements before awarding a long-term contract. 


Review other procurement routes beyond the YPO 942 framework.


The current contract is due to end on the 31st March 2024, so any process would need to be identified and completed ahead of this date, with added risk around any implementation if a provider other than the incumbent was selected.


Take no action and continue to access agency resource from the incumbent supplier without a contract in place.


This option would result in non-compliant spend.


Conflicts of interest declared by any Cabinet Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:

No conflicts of interest raised.


Leader of the Council consulted 21/12/23 in the absence of the Cabinet Member.

Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered



I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to undertake a Direct Award for a 9-month contract to Matrix via the YPO 942 framework (Managing Temporary and Permanent Recruitment.




Signed by the Decision Maker  

Dated:          19th December 2023




Name:          Jo Brown                        

Job Title:     Assistant Chief Executive