Date of Decision: |
17 June 2024
Title: |
Strategic acquisition of 30 new homes from the Waverley 3B development in Waverley
Decision Maker: (Including Job Title) |
James Clark, Assistant Director of Housing
Details of Specific Cabinet Delegation or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.
The decision is in-line with the Cabinet delegation most recently set out within the Housing Delivery Programme Report – 2024/25, approved by Cabinet 22 January 2024:
Recommendation 3: That Cabinet – approves the purchase of homes from any of the schemes identified in Exempt Appendix 5. |
Decision: |
The Council will purchase: · 12, 2-bedroom apartments · 12, 3-bedroom houses · Six, 4-bedroom houses
The homes will be brought into the Council’s existing housing stock and made available to applicants from the Housing Register.
Reasons for the Decision: |
The decision has been taken in-line with the Cabinet approval, to ensure that the Council can continue to deliver new council homes to meet residents’ needs.
The financial detail of the acquisitions is set out within the capital business case. It is not included within the decision record on the basis that it is commercially sensitive. This is in-line with the over-arching Cabinet report exemption.
Details of alternative options considered and rejected: |
Acquisition of the homes forms part of the Council’s commitment to deliver hundreds of new Council homes between January 2018 and March 2026. The Cabinet report highlights that these homes are needed because there is an evidenced need for affordable homes across the Borough and as the cost-of-living continues to affect communities, more people than ever will turn to the Council for financial support, advice, and housing.
Conflicts of interest declared by any Cabinet Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision: |
None declared. |
Dispensations Granted: (If any) |
N/A |
Reports or parts of reports considered |
Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health – Housing Delivery Programme 2024/25.
Full Business Case (FBC) – Strategic Acquisitions – Sorby Park, Waverley (Waverley 3B).
I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to ….
Enter into contract with Avant Homes to purchase 30 new homes from the Waverley 3B development in Waverley.
Signed by the Decision Maker
Dated: 6 August 2024
Name: Ian Spicer
Job Title: Strategic Director, Adult Care, Housing and Public Health
If you require any assistance in the completion of the decision record please contact the Governance Team