Issue - decisions

Highway Resurfacing Contract

18/03/2024 - Highway Resurfacing Contract





Date of Decision:

18th March, 2024



Highways - Use of External contractors


Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Paul Woodcock - Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment

Details of Specific Cabinet Delegation

or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.

The decision is taken in line with Council’s Financial and Procurement Procedure Rules:

“Strategic Directors and Budget Managers are authorised to incur expenditure in accordance with the estimates that make up the budget and the Capital Programme within their delegated area of control.”


To issue works to external Contractors to aid delivery of the Highway Repair Programme, as part of an approved framework.

The overall contract values for each lot, including extensions which can be published are as follows:

Lot 1 - £1,172,371

Lot 2 - £1,186,185

Total - £2,358,556



Reasons for the Decision:

To provide additional capacity to manage the delivery of the Highways Repair Programme alongside other priority schemes such as Regeneration or Towns and Villages Schemes


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:


·       Delay in the delivery of works which may impact available budgets and delivery of targets


Conflicts of interest declared by any Cabinet Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:

No conflicts of interest raised.

Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered

The approved tender evaluation report has been shared with the Decision Maker to help inform the decision to issue works and commit associated spend

The business case is solely for internal use only and should not be published externally.




I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to procure use of external Contractors to aid delivery of the Highway Repair Programme



Signed by the Decision Maker   Paul Woodcock

Dated:18th March, 2024


Name: Paul Woodcock                                    

Job Title: Strategic Director