Issue - decisions

Grange Park Golf Club

14/06/2024 - Grange Park Golf Club





Date of Decision:

14th June 2024



Grange Park Golf Club – Grant of New Lease and Repayment of Arrears of Rent and Rates


Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Simon Moss, Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration & Transport


Specific Delegation:

(If any)

Decision taken under the powers granted to the property officer under sections 29.9 (Land & Buildings) and 42.1.3 (Delegation Arrangements) of the Council’s Financial Procurement Procedure Rules.


Brief Description of Decision:

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the grant of a new lease of the Grange Park Golf Club, subject to the repayment of arrears or rent and rates


Reasons for the Decision:

Grange Park Golf Club Limited has approached the Council and advised that it has secured an investor to invest in the business. This investment will see a significant refurbishment and upgrade to the current facilities. They have provided details of the proposed investment and a programme of when they propose to carry out the works


Part of the investment proposal is that all historic / legacy rent and other arrears are cleared in return for the grant of a single new lease on the site to the investor’s company.


Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion & Neighbourhood Working – supported 7.6.24


Rob Mahon, Section 151 – supported 6.6.24


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

Option 1 – Grant a New Lease to Top Play Limited


Lease terms have been agreed with this company and their investors which will see legacy rent and rates arrears cleared and a substantial additional amount invested in the site and its facilities over a planned period with a view to securing a sustainable future for the golf club.


This is the preferred option


Option 2 – Terminate the Existing Leases and PursueRecovery Action in Respect of the Rent Arrears


Terminate the current leases on the grounds of non-payment of rent and recover the property. Once recovered the property will require works to bring it to a marketable standard and there is no guarantee of a new tenant being found.


Furthermore, it would be unlikely that the historic rent arrears could be recovered as the current tenant company does not have sufficient assets.


Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:

There are no conflicts of interest declared

Dispensations Granted:

(If any)

Not Applicable


Reports or parts of reports considered

Not Applicable


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision That the Assistant Director Planning, Regeneration & Transport approves and negotiates the lease with Top Play Limited, in consultation with the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Cabinet member for Social Inclusion & Neighbourhood Working



Signed by the Decision Maker  

Dated:          14th June, 2024


Name:          Simon Moss                      

Job Title:     Assistant Director Planning, Regeneration and Transport