Issue - decisions

Town Centre Events Grants - Summer 2024

08/07/2024 - Town Centre Events Grants - Summer 2024





Date of Decision:

8th July 2024


Town Centre Grants – Summer Programme

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Leanne Buchan

Head of Creative Programming & Engagement

Specific Delegation:

(If any)

Sub scheme of Delegation - Regeneration and Environment Oct 2022: All financial matters relating to the management and delivery of cultural, leisure, green spaces, landscape design and sports services, including:


  • Authorisation of grants up to a value of £25000 according to the Council’s criteria for cultural, leisure and events grants

Brief Description of Decision:

1.    To award 3 Event Grants of £1,500 to support community event organisers to undertake activities in the Town Centre over a three-week period.


2.    It is proposed that the charges associated with the Event Application pack for events taking place on Council land are waived for any events supported through the grants programme, however a completed pack will still be required for due diligence.


Reasons for the Decision:

To enable financial support for small event organisers and businesses to animate the Town Centre through the summer.


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

Do Nothing – Event organisation carries a range of costs such as venue hire, marketing, equipment hire, catering and paying performers. In addition, costs associated with Council fees and charges related event application packs for events taking place on Council land can make the cost of hosting event prohibitive. Without support from the Council organisers may not have the means to organise events which stifles talent development in the community and places additional pressure on the available resources within the Council’s events team.

Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:


Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered

Part A & B Equalities Impact Assessment

Carbon Impact Assessment


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to award 3 Event Grants of £1,500 to support community event organisers to undertake activities in the Town Centre over a three-week period


Signed by the Decision Maker   Leanne Buchan

Dated:          8th July 2024


Name: Leanne Buchan             

Job Title: Head of Creative Programming & Engagement