Issue - decisions

Rother Valley Country Park Full Business Case and Tender Evaluation Report

05/09/2024 - Rother Valley Country Park Full Business Case and Tender Evaluation Report





Date of Decision:

29th August 2024


Rother Valley Country Park Full Business Case and Tender Evaluation Report

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Simon Moss

Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration & Transport

Regeneration & Environment

Specific Delegation:

(If any)

Within the Council’s constitution the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment has the following delegated powers: -


Contract Standing Orders; Section 41.2:

In relation to their Directorates, each Strategic Director has a general power to make council contracts, including the power to determine select lists of tenderers, to accept tenders and to award contracts.  This is subsequently delegated to Assistant Directors in the sub-scheme of delegation

Brief Description of Decision:

A recommendation is made that the Full Business Case detailing final project costs, timeframe and outcomes is approved thus allowing contract award and implementation of the project.


And to award to Kier Construction Ltd of the second stage of a two-stage design and build contract for the delivery of works in relation to Rother Valley Country Park, following outcome of detailed design and costing exercise undertaken. As detailed in exempt Appendix 2 – Tender Evaluation Report

Reasons for the Decision:

As set out in the May 2022 Cabinet report


‘That Cabinet agree to the implementation of all projects within the Town Deal and Levelling Up Fund programmes as summarised in Appendix 1, to be detailed in forthcoming project specific Full Business Cases’


‘That Cabinet note the implementation of projects will be subject to the Council’s assurance framework and with Full Business Cases approved by the Strategic Director of Regeneration & Environment in consultation with the Council’s S151 Officer and Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy’.


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

The rationale in going direct award was to enter into a Professional Service Agreement with a Contractor to complete the Stage 4 design with a view to speeding up the delivery time and obtaining cost certainty.  This was deemed essential given the timescales that we had to achieve and limitations on budget.


Other options considered include.


Above Threshold Open Procedure - Maximise access to the supply market however this would potentially yield a significant volume of bids that would disproportionally extend the timeframe, making it potentially difficult to meet the timescales required for this project.


Further competition under the CCS Framework RM6088 (Construction Works & Associated Services) - Lot 2.1 Construction Works & Associated Services (£3m - £10m) - The sub-regional arrangements and value in this framework would suit RMBC’s requirements however there are no local suppliers on this framework at all and many major contractors would not be interested in this low value construction project.


Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:



Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered

Leisure Economy – Levelling Up Application

Cabinet report 16th May 2022 – Town Deal and Levelling Up Fund


Rother Valley Country Park Full Business Case

Rother Valley Country Park Tender Evaluation Report



I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to ….

Signed by the Decision Maker  

Dated: 29th August, 2024


Name: Andrew Bramidge

Job Title: Strategic Director, Regeneration & Environment