Issue - decisions

Dinnington Compulsory Purchase Order

08/01/2025 - Dinnington Compulsory Purchase Order






Date of Decision:

24th December 2024


Dinnington Compulsory Purchase Order

Decision Maker:

Simon Moss, Assistant Director Planning, Regeneration & Transport

Details of Specific Cabinet Delegation

or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.


The Cabinet resolution October 2024 (minute 63), amongst other things, delegated to the Council’s Property Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy and the Assistant Director of Legal Services, to:

a)    Take all necessary steps to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of the CPO, including, making further amendments by way of finalising the draft Statement of Reason (Appendix 3) the publication and service of all relevant notices and the presentation of the Council’s case at any future local public inquiry;

b)    Consider the outcome of the Equalities Impact Assessment and ensure appropriate steps are taken to meet the Council’s Public Sector Equalities Duty.

Having consulted with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy, the Assistant Director of Legal Services, and the Council’s Property Officer makes the following decision for reasons set out in the report:

a)    having considered the outcome of the Equalities Impact Assessment in accordance with the Council’s obligations pursuant to the Equality Act 2015 is satisfied that the Council has taken into account and paid due regard to the aims and objectives of its public sector equality duty and has considered what actions it will take to mitigate any negative impacts on particular protected groups as set out below.   

b)    In light of the decision in 1 above, and having now finalised the form and content of the Statement of Reasons, to approve the making of the CPO taking all steps necessary, to secure the confirmation of the CPO

Cllr Robert Taylor, Cabinet Member for Jobs & the Local Economy 20th December 2024

Phil Horsfield, Assistant Director Legal Services 23rd December 2024


Implementation of the Cabinet resolution in October 2024 to make and seek confirmation of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the acquisition of land and property interests identified on the plan and in the schedule in Appendix 1 and 2.

Reasons for the Decision:

To enable the purchase of all property required to facilitate the implementation of the Council’s Dinnington Regeneration project which will see improvements to the high street including a new market provision, 6 new retail units, refurbished units and public realm fronting Laughton Road.

Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

Cabinet resolved in October 2024 to pursue the recommended option as follows:

“Acquire the outstanding interests by CPO and develop the approved scheme.”

This option was considered to provide the greatest degree of certainty that the scheme can be delivered by the Council.

Other options considered can be seen in detail in the October 2024 Cabinet report and are listed below:

·       Option 1: Do Nothing

·       Option 2: Deliver a smaller scheme based on the Council’s current ownership.

·       Option 3: Focus entirely on acquiring the Order Land by negotiation and redevelop it for the proposed Scheme.

Conflicts of interest declared by any Cabinet Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:

None declared

Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered

Dinnington Compulsory Purchase Order Officer Decision

Appendix 1: Dinnington Order Land Plan

Appendix 2: CPO Schedule (exempt)

Appendix 3: Statement of Reasons (exempt)

Appendix 4: Statutory Notice for Implementation

Appendix 5: Equality Impact Assessment Initial Screening

Appendix 6: Equality Impact Full Assessment

Appendix 7: Carbon Impact Assessment


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to undertake implementation of the Cabinet resolution in October 2024 to make and seek confirmation of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the acquisition of land and property interests identified on the plan and in the schedule in Appendix 1 and 2.


Signed by the Decision Maker  

Dated:          24/12/24


Name:          Simon Moss                    

Job Title:    Assistant Director