Issue - decisions

Local Welfare Provision 2016/17 (Justin)

05/04/2016 - Local Welfare Provision 2016/17

Resolved:-  (1)  That the contract with FareShare Yorkshire for “Food in Crisis” provision be confirmed and an extension to the contract be issued to March 2017.


(2)  That LASER Credit Union be provided with a grant of £60,000 to continue the provision of crisis loans to residents suffering hardship for the year 2016/17. The provisions for awarding of loans and reporting to the Council to remain as in 2015/16.


(3)  That the Council enter into discussions with Voluntary Action Rotherham (VAR) regarding the use of the £10,000 contingency budget. This funding (offered on a one off basis) would be to help to support a complementary small grants scheme alongside Food in Crisis, and the co-ordination of support to the “Food in Crisis Partnership” work. A separate contract would be drawn up for this funding with VAR, should it be supported.


(4)  That further reports be presented during 2016/17 to establish future strategic direction to tackle poverty in Rotherham, making best use of the data being collected and informing recommendations for local welfare provision in future years whilst ensuring cost benefit ratio and best value.


(Councillor Wallis declared a personal interest on the grounds that she was a saver with LASER Credit Union and left the room whilst that item was discussed)