Consideration was given to the report which sought approval to consult on Main Modifications to the Sites and Policies Document. This was necessary to accommodate the changes to the plan required by the Planning Inspector.
These changes were required to make the plan sound and enable the Council to adopt it in due course.
The Inspector’s letter, including his list of Proposed Main Modifications, had been published on the Council’s Local Plan examination website.
The Inspector’s changes were fairly limited and he had accepted almost all of the proposed development sites in the Plan. However, some parts of the Plan have not been accepted by the Inspector.
The Inspector also required the Council to identify and consult on additional housing sites in the Wath upon Dearne, Brampton Bierlow, and West Melton area. This was to remedy a shortfall against the Core Strategy housing target for this area that had come to light as part of the examination. This consultation was approved by Cabinet (Cabinet 26/6/17, Minute No. 8 refers) and was carried out between 3rd July and 14th August, 2017.
Having held a further hearing session on 19th October, 2017 to consider the comments made on the Wath area consultation, the Inspector accepted the 2 additional housing sites consulted on and included them in the list of Proposed Main Modifications.
This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-Scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations.
Resolved:- That Council be recommended to approve the public consultation on Main Modifications to the Sites and Policies Document.