Date of Decision:
08/08/2018 |
Decision Maker: (Including Job Title)
Damien Wilson, Director of Regeneration and Environment
Specific Delegation: (If any)
Delegated authority is sought in accordance with the scheme of delegation of executive decision making powers in line with the Financial Regulations section 27.11.1 and Contract Standing Orders section 34.5.3 approved by Council 25th January 2017. |
Brief Description of Decision:
Selection of Muse Developments as development partner for the development and delivery of Forge Island outlined in the appended successful bid. |
Reasons for the Decision:
Following detailed evaluation the bid from Muse Developments had the highest score against the selection criteria. |
Details of alternative options considered and rejected:
One other bid was evaluated but this scored fewer points against the selection criteria and so was rejected. |
Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision: |
No Conflicts of Interest |
Dispensations Granted: (If any)
Not Applicable |
Reports or parts of reports considered
None Considered |
I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision in relation to the selection of Muse Developments as development partner for the development and delivery of Forge Island outlined in the appended successful bid.
Signed by the Decision Maker
Date: 08/08/2018
Name Damien Wilson
Job Title: Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment
1. That the decision to appoint a development partner for Forge Island and the terms of that appointment be delegated to the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy.
2. That the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment be delegated authority to use the powers available to the Council to agree the purchase and terms of the leaseholds at Riverside Precinct and that funding for these acquisitions be provided from the Town Centre Investment scheme within the approved Capital Programme.
3. That, subject to an assessment of the financial viability of the proposed final terms of the development agreement, the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services, be delegated authority to commit resources from the Town Centre Investment scheme within the approved Capital Programme to deliver a preferred scheme for the development of Forge Island.
4. That the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services, be delegated authority to instruct Legal Services or a third party legal provider to negotiate and complete the necessary legal documentation to give effect to the recommendations above.
5. That approval be given to implement the flood defence works and the funding for implementation is taken from the allocated Town Centre Investment scheme.
6. That Cabinet receive information on the Town Centre Investment scheme spend profile at appropriate trigger points.
7. That the following recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board be accepted:-
(i) That Cabinet be recommended to confirm how it will hold decisions makers to account for exercising delegated powers in respect of the Forge Island redevelopment aspects of the Town Centre Masterplan.
(ii) That the quarterly updates are provided to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board on decision making and the implementation of the project.
(iii) That the flood alleviation programme be referred to Improving Places Select Commission, as part of its powers to scrutinise flood risk management functions.