Issue - decisions

Allotments Self Management


Further to Minute No. 174 of the Cabinet and Commissioners Decision Making Meeting held on 9th July, 2017 consideration was given to the report which detailed the proposals for a self-management model for allotments containing recommendations to approve the new vision and specification for allotments and to transfer management of Council-owned allotments to a new borough-wide self-management body.


The Council and Rotherham and District Allotments Association have worked together to review the current Allotments Service and explore possible alternative service models to drive long-term improvement.  This recognised the pressure the Service had been under since 2011 due to reduced public spending.  The Review has gathered evidence to support the assessment of options, including a survey of existing plot-holders, an audit of Council-owned allotment sites, and information about management models in place elsewhere in Britain.   Consequently, the Review has concluded that the adoption of a self-management model offers best prospects for Service improvement and involving allotment users more in this.


Whilst in support of the model put forward, Councillor Carter was of the view that this was of benefit to allotment holders now more appropriate management arrangements in place.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the new vision and specification for allotments be adopted.


(2)  That the transfer of management of Council-owned allotments to a new borough-wide self-management body be approved and authorisation be given to officers to work with Rotherham and District Allotments Association, Voluntary Action Rotherham and others to establish a Community Benefit Society.


Resolved:-  Councillor Hoddinott                        Seconder:-  Councillor Allen

06/08/2018 - Allotments Self Management

Consideration was given to a report which detailed how the Council and Rotherham and District Allotments Association have worked together to review the current allotments service and explore possible alternative service models to drive long-term improvement.  This recognised the pressure the service had been under since 2011 due to reduced public spending. 


The Rotherham and District Allotments Association (RaDAA) had embraced the opportunity to engage with the Council to jointly review how the allotment service was managed, and what steps might be taken to overcome current challenges, including remodelling the service to secure the best possible outcomes for allotment users within the limited available resources.


The review had gathered evidence to support the assessment of options, including a survey of existing plot-holders, an audit of Council-owned allotment sites, and information about management models in place elsewhere in Britain.   Consequently, the review had concluded that the adoption of a self-management model offered best prospects for service improvement and involving allotment users more in this.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations, subject to the Improving Places Select Commission receiving an update on the implementation of this project, at a time to be agreed by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Select Commission.


Resolved:-  (1)  That Council adopt a new vision and specification for allotments, as proposed in this report.


(2)  That Council approve the transfer of management of Council-owned allotments to a new borough-wide self-management body, and authorises officers to work with Rotherham and District Allotments Association, Voluntary Action Rotherham and others to establish a Community Benefit Society for this purpose.


(3)  That the Improving Places Select Commission receiving an update on the implementation of this project, at a time to be agreed by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Select Commission.