Issue - decisions

Consideration of expressions of interest of the former St Ann’s building

15/01/2019 - Disposal of the former St Ann's Building, St Leonard's Road, Rotherham

Consideration was given to report which sought approval to dispose of the former St Ann’s Building on St Leonard’s Road, Rotherham.


The property was advertised through traditional marketing channels for all disposal options to establish the best future use of the property, with a total of three proposals received. These proposals were considered by the Asset Management Board who recommended that the property be disposed as set out by way of private treaty as detailed in the report.


Cabinet Members noted the poor state and dilapidated state of the building and considered disposal to be the best option.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the disposal of the former St Ann’s Building, as shown edged in red at Appendix 1 by private treaty to the recommended purchaser as detailed at paragraph 2.7 3 of the exempt Finance Addendum Appendix 2, be approved.


(2)  That, in the event of the disposal not being completed (e.g. if the purchaser withdraws or time elapses), the site be disposed of on the open market, as set out in Option 2.


(3)  That the Acting Assistant Director of Planning, Regeneration and Transport be authorised to negotiate and agree the terms and conditions of the proposed disposal, with the Assistant Director of Legal Services negotiating and completing the necessary legal documentation.