Issue - decisions

Modern Day Slavery

22/10/2018 - Modern Slavery Update and Transparency Statement

Consideration was given to a report which provided a brief overview of planned activity in relation to modern slavery for the financial year 2018/19.


In July, 2018, the Council produced an interim statement, which was published on its website, in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Following further internal work to strengthen process and the commitments a more detailed statement for the financial year 2018/19 was drafted.


This document described the Council’s commitment to transparency in its supply chain. It furthermore recognised the Council’s unique role as a public body and made further commitments in this regard. The Statement also sought to capture the commitments made by the Council, over and above legal duties, and the Council’s commitment to delivery of those ambitions. The statement also introduced the requirement for annual reporting.


In noting progress to date, the document highlighted the inclusion of training during Safeguarding Awareness Week; the start of developing a consistent training offer within the Council; the identification of at risk industries; increasing information and intelligence flow; establishing greater links with procurement/commissioning in relation to the issue and the inclusion of Modern Slavery explicitly with the Council’s Whistleblowing Policy. 


To support commissioning and procurement colleagues, together with contract managers, guidance would be developed in relation to at risk industries, giving them details on how to access information, what to look for and where to go for advice. Work would also be carried out to explore standard relevant clauses alongside tightening tender specifications.


The Council would continue to develop its operational functions to be alert to this type of crime and be proactive in identifying it wherever possible.


Key activity would focus on highlighting key areas of risk and embedding into people’s thinking in relation to broader safeguarding and into the Council’s wider safeguarding activity in relation to awareness raising and regular briefings.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in full support of the recommendations.


Cabinet Members welcomed this Statement which would safeguard vulnerable people and tighten the Council’s commissioning and procurement practices through training for key staff.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received and the contents noted.


(2)  That the Draft Transparency Statement at Appendix 1 be approved for publication.