Issue - decisions

Thriving Neighbourhoods - The Rotherham Neighbourhood Strategy

15/01/2019 - Thriving Neighbourhoods - The Rotherham Neighbourhood Strategy 2018-2025

Consideration was given to the report which presented for approval the new Thriving Neighbourhoods Strategy 2018-2025, which set out a fresh approach to working with residents and partners across the Borough.


The Council’s vision was for every neighbourhood to be a thriving neighbourhood where people have a good quality of life. Central to this was the role of Elected Members providing a leadership and engagement role in each Ward.


The Strategy was framed around three key outcomes which described what the Council would like to see in each Ward across Rotherham:-


·                Neighbourhoods were safe and welcoming with good community spirit.

·                Residents were happy and healthy and love where they lived.

·                Residents used their skills and assets to contribute to the outcomes that mattered to them. 


The Strategy signalled a new way of working for the Council both for Members and for staff. The Strategy covered every Ward in the Borough and would be delivered through ward plans developed with residents to address local issues and opportunities. Ward Members would be supported by the neighbourhood team and would work with officers and residents from a range of organisations.


Members would be asked to report to Council on an annual basis with an update on progress in each Ward in a logical format for the public.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Thriving Neighbourhoods Strategy 2018-2025 be approved.


(2)  That Members in each Ward provide a report to Council on an annual basis covering developments in their Ward.