Issue - decisions

York Road, Eastwood

15/01/2019 - York Road Redevelopment - Development Brief, Appointment of Developer and Disposal

Consideration was given to a report which provided an update on progress following the market testing of a redevelopment opportunity for a site on York Road and requested approval and delegated authority required to progress this project in order to bring the site forward for development.


Ward Members have been consulted on the submissions received and further consultation would be undertaken in respect of the submitted detailed proposals for them to report back to MKembers of their local communities.  Every effort would be taken to mitigate any local concerns where possible.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the aims and objectives for the redevelopment of York Road as set out at paragraph 2.6 of this report be approved.


(2)  That an open tender procurement process be conducted in accordance with Rotherham Council’s Contract Procedural Rules and Domestic and European Procurement Law.


(3) That the disposal of the York Road site as part of the successful Development Brief be approved.


(4)  That authority be delegated for the appointment of the successful development partner and the final terms of the disposal and/or development agreement (in respect of the Development Brief) to the Assistant Director of Planning Regeneration and Transport in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services and the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy.


(5) That the Assistant Director of Legal Services be authorised to negotiate and complete the necessary legal agreements.