Issue - decisions

Annual Food Plan and Enhanced Pre-Inspection Service Offer for Food Businesses

08/02/2019 - Food Service Inspection Plan 2018-19 and Introduction of a Pre-Inspection Service Offer

Consideration was given to the report which detailed how the Food Standards Agency required all Competent Authorities to have an up-to-date, documented Food Service Plan, which was readily available to food business operators and consumers. This plan must be subject to regular review and clearly state the period of time for which the plan had effect.


The Food Standards Agency undertook a focussed audit of this Authority in May, 2010 and reported that the framework for the plan was in line with the Service Planning Guidance in the Framework Agreement.  The Food Service Plan for 2018/19 followed this outline.


Food hygiene ratings were increasingly important to the food industry, with customers taking an active interest in the hygiene standards of the premises from which they ate, and accordingly making informed choices.


There was an opportunity to offer a pre-inspection advice service to food business owners. The service could provide valuable information and guidance prior to statutory inspections which, if heeded, would enable businesses to enhance their premises and deliver a higher food hygiene rating.


The Council therefore proposed to introduce an in-house offer to the food industry, to provide bespoke advice and guidance and support businesses to achieve compliance and improved food hygiene ratings. This would support food business, and deliver improved food hygiene outcomes for Rotherham’s residents.


Whilst there were a number of food premises which would not take advantage of the offer, either because they have their own internal compliance systems, or where they did not see food hygiene as a priority, it was expected that a market existed for support to businesses who were eager to improve their rating and attract more customers.


The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board confirmed this had been part of the budget proposals that had been considered and supported.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Food Service Plan for 2018/19 be approved.


(2)  That the introduction of a new Council service to provide pre-inspection advice to food businesses, for which a charge of £195 plus VAT will be made, be approved.