Issue - decisions

Review of non-residential charging policy

08/02/2019 - Adult Services Non-Residential Care Charging Policy Review

Consideration was given to report which detailed how the Care Act 2014 focused on improving people’s independence and wellbeing. It made clear that it was the duty of the Council to provide or arrange services that helped prevent or delay people developing needs for care and support. The Council must maintain a service for providing advice and information relating to care and support and the Act stated that Councils may make a charge for meeting needs, covering the cost that was incurred by the Local Authority in meeting the needs to which the charge applies. In order to do this, a financial assessment was required to determine an individual’s contribution to their care cost.


The report, therefore, set out the options available to the Council for non-residential care charges, including options for the financial assessment. An initial review had been undertaken on the non-residential adult care charging policy and had identified key areas for proposed change. The report detailed the Council’s current policy which had been benchmarked against other Authorities in the region, and outlined a number of proposed changes for consultation in five key areas:-


·             Minimum/maximum charge.

·             Additional carers.

·             Charge from start of service.

·             Review of Disability Related Expenditure (DRE).

·             Attendance Allowance/Disability Living Allowance/Personal Independence Payments.


Resolved:-  That public consultation be commenced with service users and  carers so as to inform the changes to the current policy and to provide opportunity for the public to provide feedback on the following proposals:-


(a)        The removal of the maximum charge for non-residential care, while maintaining the minimum charge of £1.

(b)        The introduction of charges where additional carers are provided.

(c)        Amend the policy so that service users are charged from the start of their service provision, instead of from when they are informed of their financial contribution following their financial assessment.

(d)        To include the full value of high rate Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance, and the enhanced daily living component of Personal Independence Payments, when carrying out non-residential financial assessments for all services not just services provided at night.

(e)        To consult on a standard list or rate of Disability Related Expenditure (DRE) to be allowed in the financial assessment.