Issue - decisions

Annual Update on the Establishment of Education Provision at Waverley

08/02/2019 - Annual Update on the Establishment of Education Provision at Waverley

Consideration was given to the report which detailed how the Waverley residential and business community development site based in Rotherham had outline planning consent for up to 3,890 homes, retail units, community facilities, two primary schools and green infrastructure.


The report, therefore, provided an update in relation to the establishment of education infrastructure on the Waverley site.


As the full pupil yield from new housing could take several years to be realised, the current trigger points to release funding to develop the second Waverley primary school were currently considered to be too early and would have an adverse effect on Waverley Junior Academy as, if the second school opened too early, there would potentially be significant surplus capacity in both schools until the pupil yield increased and schools were funded based on pupil numbers from schools census.  


A longstanding Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 funding agreement stipulated the funding release trigger points and timescale for the use of the funding to create primary school education infrastructure. Stipulations have been met for Waverley Junior Academy and any subsequent deed of variation relating to trigger points for school number two would need to be determined through the planning process should it be required to increase the trigger of occupied dwellings for the second primary school by a further 800 occupied dwellings by the developers.


Resolved:-  That the annual update report be noted.