Issue - decisions

Delivery Agreement with Balfour Beatty Group Ltd for the design and build works for the A630 Parkway Widening scheme.

17/09/2018 - (R&E) Delivery Agreement with Balfour Beatty Group Ltd for the design and build works for the A630 Parkway Widening scheme.





Date of Decision:


17 September 2018

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)


Paul Woodcock, Assistant Director of Planning Regeneration and Transport, on behalf of Damien Wilson, Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment

Specific Delegation:

(If any)


Brief Description of Decision:



That a delivery agreement is entered into with Balfour Beatty Group Ltd for the design and build works for the A630 Parkway Widening scheme, noting that the agreement contains a break clause after the design phase that allows the build works to be removed from the agreement.


Reasons for the Decision:


The report seeks authority to enter into a delivery agreement for the design and build works for the A630 Parkway Widening scheme.


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:


The option of delivery by internal resources has been considered.  However, due to the complex nature of the works, (which includes significant and highly complex highway, structural and traffic signal designs), this option has been rejected due to the lack of internal resources in these areas to undertake a project of this size.  The Framework route allows for a quick procurement process and partnership working arrangements that is encouraged.


For this project, the ‘Scape Procure’ framework has been deemed the most appropriate, as it facilitates a design and build option, with early contractor involvement and a degree of project management by the nominated works contractor.  This approach is essential if the tight timescales imposed by the DfT are to be met.

Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:



Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered


Report to Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment 17th September 2018.


Report for the approval to enter into a Delivery Agreement to undertake the preliminary design, detailed design and build works for the A630 Parkway Widening scheme.



I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision in relation to entering a delivery agreement with Balfour Beatty Group Ltd for the design and build works for the A630 Parkway Widening scheme.


Date             17/09/2018

Name          Paul Woodcock                      

Job Title      Assistant Director – Planning, Regeneration and Transport