Issue - decisions

Rotherham Renaissance Flood Alleviation Scheme Phase 2A

02/01/2019 - (R&E) Rotherham Renaissance Flood Alleviation Scheme Phase 2A





Date Of Decision:


2 January 2019

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)


Tom Smith

Assistant Director, Community Safety & Street Scene

Specific Delegation:

(If any)


In respect of procurement, contract administration and best value:

·                     In accordance with Financial and Procurement Procedure Rules, matters relating to the specification for works, goods and services, the seeking of estimates, quotations and tenders, the evaluation of the same and acceptance of tenders relating to contracts for works, goods and services in accordance with approved budgets or supplementary estimates.


Brief Description of Decision:



The Assistant Director Community Safety and Street Scene made the decision to:


1. Undertake a tender process and subsequently appoint a Consultant to undertake detailed design, obtain external approvals and supervise the construction of RRFAS2A in accordance with the use of consultants form.     


2. Establish a flood alleviation scheme delivery board to provide strategic governance to ensure that the project is delivered within timeframes and funding allocations. 


Reasons for the Decision:




The decision to proceed with this project and funding application was approved by the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment on 18 October 2018. The next step of this process is to authorise the use of consultants to undertake detailed design, obtain external approvals and supervise the construction of RRFAS2A. A business case has therefore been completed to support the decision by the Assistant Director Community Safety and Street Scene, as required by Council procedures.


To provide strategic governance the Board will link in with existing investment and infrastructure boards within RMBC, the Environment Agency and Sheffield City Region. Suggested members would include key people from these organisations, including members of the Senior Leadership Team and Cabinet Members.

Details of Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The Do Nothing, Do Minimum and Do Something options were considered as part of Strategic Director decision for work on the overall Rotherham Renaissance Flood Alleviation Scheme (RRFAS) that was made on 22nd December 2017.


These decisions are therefore steps in the delivery of this overall scheme.


Where the decision is made under specific delegation from a decision making body, the names of any member of the relevant body who has declared a conflict of interest in relation to the decision and name of the body granting the specific delegation and the date when it did so:



Background Papers:



Assistant Director Briefing Paper  - RRFAS2A Capital Programme 1819 AD Report 02.01.19


Appendix A Strategic Director Briefing Paper 22.12.17

Appendix B Use of Consultants form


I certify that this is a true record of the decision in relation to the procurement process and governance of the Rotherham Renaissance Flood Alleviation Scheme

TS Signature



Signed by the Decision Maker                           


Dated: 2nd Jan 2019


Name:         Tom Smith     

Job Title:   Assistant Director, Community Safety & Street Scene