Issue - decisions

Determination of a Traffic Regulation Order following receipt of an objection - Proposed introduction of 20mph limit – Lindrick Dale near South Anston, Rotherham

22/03/2019 - (R&E) Determination of a Traffic Regulation Order following receipt of an objection - Proposed introduction of 20mph limit – Lindrick Dale near South Anston, Rotherham





Date of Decision:


22 March 2019

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)


Paul Woodcock

Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment

Specific Delegation:

(If any)



Brief Description of Decision:



Following receipt of an objection to a proposal to introduce  a 20mph limit on Lindrick Dale near South Anston, Rotherham the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment has exercised his delegated powers and determined that:


(a)  The objection not be acceded to.

(b)  The existing scheme be confirmed as originally proposed.

(c)  The Assistant Director of Legal Services be authorised to make the Order.

(d)  The objector be informed of the decision made and the reasons for that decision.


Reasons for the Decision:



The primary purpose of the scheme and the reason for not acceding to the objection is that the scheme aims to make drivers aware of the most appropriate speed for the nature of the road. Therefore the lowering of the speed limit and erection of 20mph repeater signs along with pedestrian warning signs should clearly indicate this to vehicles using the road.


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:


One option considered the reduction of the speed limit with associated signage. This would only advice road users of the revised speed and not provide any warning for any other highway risks or hazards.


The second option was to provide a speed limit reduction with supplementary warning signage.  This was due to the lack of footways, combined with the restricted visibility due to bends in the road and high retaining walls.


The ‘do nothing’ option was considered but due to the nature of the road layout and the presence of Public Rights Of Way in the area, it was not considered appropriate.  There is need to advise drivers unfamiliar to the area of the potential hazards and a speed limit reduction makes drivers aware of the most appropriate speed for the nature of the road.


Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:



Dispensations Granted:

(If any)


Not applicable


Reports or parts of reports considered


Report to the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment - Report receipt of an objection to the proposed introduction of 20mph limit – Lindrick Dale near South Anston, Rotherham – March 2019



I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to introduce  a 20mph limit on Lindrick Dale near South Anston, Rotherham the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment and confirm that the objection received not be acceded to.


Signed by the Decision Maker   


Dated:            22.03.2019


Name:            Paul Woodcock,      

Job Title:      Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment