Issue - decisions

(R&E) Church Fields Lane, Wentworth - Proposed no stopping clearway on school keep clear markings.

24/09/2020 - (R&E) Church Fields Lane, Wentworth - Proposed no stopping clearway on school keep clear markings.







Date of Decision:



Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)


Simon Moss

Assistant Director of Planning, Regeneration and Transport


Specific Delegation:

(If any)





Brief Description of Decision:



To undertake consultation on a proposal to provide a no stopping clearway on 3 proposed school keep clear markings around Wentworth Junior and Infant School, Wentworth. The proposed no stopping clearway proposals would be implemented upon:-


·        2no school keep clear markings adjacent to the pedestrian gate situated on the north facing side of the school building on Church Fields Lane.

·        1no school keep clear marking adjacent to the pedestrian gate situated on the west facing side of the school building on Church Fields Lane.


and subject to there being no objections, to implement the procedures required to implement the no stopping and clearway proposals.


Reasons for the Decision:



To enable the consultation process to commence, and subject to there being no objections to the proposals, for the processes required to implement the no stopping and clearway proposals to be carried out. 

Details of alternative options considered and rejected:



Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:

No Conflicts of Interest


Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Not Applicable

Reports or parts of reports considered

Report of the Assistant Director of Planning, Regeneration and Transport - Church Fields Lane, Wentworth – Proposed no stopping clearway on school keep clear markings.




I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision in relation to Church Fields Lane, Wentworth – Proposed no stopping clearway on school keep clear markings.





Signed by the Decision Maker                                    

Dated: 24 September 2020

Name: Simon Moss

Job Title: Assistant Director of Planning, Regeneration and Transport