Issue - decisions

(FCS) Request for Flexible Retirement - ERP0201

07/10/2021 - (FCS) Request for Flexible Retirement - ERP0201








Date Of Decision:


31 August 2021

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)


Judith Badger

Section 151 Officer

Strategic Director Finance & Customer Services

Specific Delegation:

(If any)


Appendix 9 of the Constitution (Responsibility for Functions) – Delegation to the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services to determine requests for early release and flexible retirement, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member

Brief Description of Decision:



Approval was given to request ERP0201 for a flexible retirement in the Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Directorate

Reasons for the Decision:




The employing service had considered service delivery implications and was supportive of the requests.  The small cost associated with granting the early release of pension entitlements was less than the savings generated.

Details of Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:



Where the decision is made under specific delegation from a decision making body, the names of any member of the relevant body who has declared a conflict of interest in relation to the decision and name of the body granting the specific delegation and the date when it did so:



Background Papers:





I certify that this is a true record of the decision in relation to a request for flexible retirement in the Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Directorate.



Signed by the Decision Maker                                 

Dated         6October 2021


Name:        Judith Badger                              

Job Title:   Strategic Director Finance & Customer Services, S151 Officer