Date of Decision: |
24th May 2023 |
Title: |
Delegated Officer Decision Report – Consultation Update Proposed 40mph Speed Limit at Ravenfield Lane. |
Decision Maker: (Including Job Title) |
Simon Moss Assistant Director – Regeneration & Environment
Details of Specific Cabinet Delegation or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.
The scheme was reported to Cabinet Members on 19th July 2021 as part of the Transportation Capital Investment Programme Report 2021/22 (Additional Scheme Approval). Item 27 – ‘Resolved:- That Cabinet approves the Neighbourhood Road Safety Schemes listed in Appendix 2 for delivery in 2021-22 and delegates the decision on any necessary changes to the programme to the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment’. (The Cabinet Member for Transport & Environment signed off this report on 9th May 2023) The sub-scheme of delegation authorises the Assistant Director to promote, consider objections to and implement Traffic Regulation Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. |
Decision: |
Approval of the proposal to reduce the speed limit at Ravenfield Lane to 40 mph.
Reasons for the Decision: |
To enable the implementation of a 40mph speed limit on Ravenfield Lane between Thrybergh Lane and the A630 Doncaster Road. To assist in the reduction the incidence of injury & non injury road traffic collisions taking place.
Details of alternative options considered and rejected: |
A 50mph speed limit was originally considered but when compared with the 40mph speed limit proposed, using the DfT speed limit assessment tool, it did not achieve the desired reductions, in casualty/injury severity & speed.
Conflicts of interest declared by any Cabinet Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision: |
None |
Dispensations Granted: (If any) |
Reports or parts of reports considered |
Delegated Officer Decision Report – Consultation Update Proposed 40mph Speed Limit at Ravenfield Lane.
I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to approve the proposal to reduce the speed limit at Ravenfield Lane to 40 mph.
Signed by the Decision Maker
Dated: 24th May, 2023
Name: Simon Moss
Job Title: Assistant Director Regeneration & Environment
If you require any assistance in the completion of the decision record please contact the Governance Team