Issue - decisions

Award of the Contract for the supply and Installation of Floor Coverings

11/05/2023 - Award of the Contract for the supply and Installation of Floor Coverings






Date of Decision:


24 April 2023

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)


Ian Spicer, Strategic Director, Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Directorate.

Specific Delegation:

(If any)


Appendix 9, Section 4C3: 2. Housing (d) Housing Options

Brief Description of Decision:



The agreement is to ensure a compliant route for the supply and installation of domestic floor coverings for the Furnished Homes Service, as detailed within the Procurement Business Case, which was approved by Ian Spicer, Strategic Director, Adult Care, Housing and Public Health on 21st December 2022.


Following the evaluation of this tender it is the recommendation of the project panel that the Council progresses to issue an award to Pyramid Linoleum and Carpet Co Limited.


The contract will commence on the 1st April 2023 and will be in place for 4 years, resulting in a contract end date of 31st March 2027.


The contract has a maximum potential value of £3,410,000; however, all costs are dependent upon the number of tenants making use of the Furnished Homes Scheme.

Reasons for the Decision:



The result of a competitive procurement process. The procurement process was undertaken as an open procurement procedure, which was conducted in line with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) and the Councils own Financial and Procurement Procedure Rules (FPPR’s)

Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:


Reports or parts of reports considered

Tender evaluation report


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision in relation to the decision to appoint a suitable qualified organisation to provide services that meet the Council’s current requirement the supply and installation of domestic floor coverings.






Signed by the Decision Maker    



Dated:          24 April 2023


Name:          Ian Spicer

Job Title:     Strategic Director, Adult Care Housing and Public Health