Issue - decisions

Stadium Way Parkgate, No Waiting at any Time restriction

11/09/2023 - Stadium Way Parkgate, No Waiting at any Time restriction





Date of Decision:

7th September 2023


Report receipt of no objections to proposed No Waiting at any time restriction on Stadium Way, Parkgate

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Simon Moss

Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport 

Specific Delegation:

(If any)

To promote, consider objections to and implement Traffic Regulation Orders under the Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Brief Description of Decision:

The purpose of this report is to consider a proposed no waiting at any time restriction on the new Parkgate link road (currently under construction) to be known as Stadium Way with the restriction proposed for both sides of the road, from its junction with the A6123 Aldwarke Lane to the internal roundabout within Parkgate Retail Park; a length of approximately 660m. The key recommendation of the report is to continue with the making of the order.

Reasons for the Decision:

Failure to secure the traffic regulation order may result in vehicles parking on, the proposed new link road, which may affect the free and safe flow of traffic, or collisions due to overtaking stationary vehicles. The proposed change to the traffic regulation order addresses this.


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

One option considered was that Stadium Way would be constructed and subsequently adopted without any waiting restrictions being introduced. However, due to the requirement to ensure that the new link road was free from any stationary vehicles, then this option was not considered a viable option.

Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:


None declared

Dispensations Granted:

(If any)


Not applicable

Reports or parts of reports considered

Report receipt of no objections to proposed No Waiting at any time restriction on Stadium Way, Parkgate


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to consider a proposed no waiting at any time restriction on the new Parkgate link road (currently under construction) to be known as Stadium Way


Signed by the Decision Maker   Simon Moss

Dated: 7th September, 2023


Name: Simon Moss                     

Job Title: Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration & Transport