Issue - decisions

Decision to appoint providers to the Adults Flexible Purchasing System for Housing Related Support

02/10/2023 - Decision to appoint providers to the Adults Flexible Purchasing System for Housing Related Support






Date of Decision:




Decision to appoint providers to the Adults Flexible Purchasing System for Housing Related Support 

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Ian Spicer

Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health

Details of Specific Committee Delegation

or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.


Under Section 4C3 of the Responsibilities for Functions document (App 9 of the Constitution) the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health is authorisedto discharge executive functions through the commissioning and provision of social services for adults and public health services for the whole population and delivery of housing for the Borough, including:-

3. Public Health (a) Commissioning and Quality (b) Health Improvement (c) Health Intelligence (d) Health Protection


The decision is to appoint 5 providers to the Adults Flexible Purchasing System for Housing Related Support following a procurement application process, supported by a tender evaluation report. 

·       Action Housing and Support Ltd.   

·       Nacro

·       People’s Potential Possibilities (P3) 

·       South Yorkshire Housing Association Limited.

·       Target Housing Limited

Reasons for the Decision:

On 17 October 2022 Cabinet approved the remodelling of existing Adult Housing Related Support services to create one single pathway

using a Flexible Purchasing System which will support a ‘no wrong door’ approach into services.


A subsequent procurement Business Case was approved by Scott Matthewman, Assistant Director of Strategic Commissioning (Adult Care, Housing and Public Health) on the 26 May 2023, recommending a procurement exercise to establish a Housing Related Support: Flexible Purchasing System (FPS). 


The application process for appointing partners onto the new Housing Related SupportFPS has now been completed. As a result, the Council has secured five providers who have been identified as having the capability and capacity to apply for the planned further competitions defined in the procurement Business Case due to commence October 2023.

Where the decision is made under specific delegation from a decision making body, the names of any member of the relevant body who has declared a conflict of interest in relation to the decision and name of the body granting the specific delegation and the date when it did so:



Reports or parts of reports considered

Cabinet Report: 17 October 2022 (link to Cabinet Report) 


Tender evaluation report (This report is exempt)

21-282 Housing Related Support FlexiblePurchasing System.

Presented and approved by Ian Spicer, Strategic Director, Adult Care, Housing and Public Health on 5 September 2023.


I certify that this is a true record of the decision in relation to appoint providers to the Adults Flexible Purchasing System for Housing Related Support.



Signed by the Decision Maker                                 

Dated: 05.09.23     


Name: Ian Spicer                                  

Job Title: StrategicDirector, Adult Care, Housing and Public Health