Issue - decisions

Fitzwilliam Corridor Contract Award

18/12/2023 - Fitzwilliam Corridor Contract Award





Date of Decision:



CRSTS Fitzwilliam Corridor – Design & Build (D&B) – Stage 1 Design/Pre-Construction Services

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Simon Moss (Assistant Director, Planning Regeneration & Transport)

Specific Delegation:

(If any)

Delegation for award of contracts relating to design and construction of CRSTS Major Projects - Cabinet meeting 24th April  2023, item 157, fourth recommendation & resolution refers:-


“That Cabinet delegate responsibility to the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, to identify projects within themes described in paragraphs […] 2.12 Major Projects (CRSTS) […] and for the award of contracts relating to design and construction.”

Agenda item - Transport Capital Programme - Rotherham Council


Appendix 9: Sub-Scheme of Delegation. Assistant Director – Planning, Regeneration and Transport


1. In respect of all financial matters:

Authorisation to spend within approved budgets subject to the policies, Financial and Procurement Procedure Rules of the Council


3. In respect of procurement, contract administration and best value:

In accordance with Financial and Procurement Procedure Rules, matters relating to the specification for works, goods and services, the seeking of estimates, quotations and tenders, the evaluation of the same and acceptance of tenders relating to contracts for works, goods and services in accordance with approved budgets or supplementary estimates.


Brief Description of Decision:

Award of contract to Galliford Try Construction Ltd for the CRSTS Fitzwilliam Corridor Stage 1 Design/Pre-Construction Services following a competitive tender carried out via YORCivil Major Works Framework


RMBC has been awarded funding through the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) and the objective of this procurement was to seek a suitable contractor to design and build a sustainable transport corridor incorporating Fitzwilliam Road and St Anns Roundabout along with improvements to the adjacent Eastwood and Herringthorpe neighbourhood as follows:

·       The Fitzwilliam Road scheme will seek to introduce bus priority lanes and separated cycle lanes.?

·       The St Anns roundabout is being redesigned to enhance pedestrian and cycle facilities.?

·       Eastwood/Herringthorpe neighbourhood style improvements.

Reasons for the Decision:

Progression of CRSTS Fitzwilliam Corridor project to design stage


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

 Procurement business case and full procurement options appraisal completed.

Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:


Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered

22-233 CRSTS Fitzwilliam Corridor - Tender Evaluation Report


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to the award of contract to Galliford Try Construction Ltd for the CRSTS Fitzwilliam Corridor Stage 1 Design/Pre-Construction Services following a competitive tender carried out via YORCivil Major Works Framework.


Signed by the Decision Maker  

Dated: 18/12/2023 




Name: Simon Moss                                       

Job Title: Assistant Director Planning, Regeneration and Transportation