Issue - decisions

Biomass Fuel Supply Contract

23/08/2024 - Biomass Fuel Supply Contract






Date of Decision:



Biomass Fuel Supply Contract

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Kevin Fisher – Assistant Director Property and Facilities Services


Details of Specific Cabinet Delegation

or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.


The Assistant Director of Property and Facilities Services has delegated authority as part of their Executive functions under General Delegation within the Councils Constitution – Procurement (c): To make decisions in relation to commissioning and procurement activity. Such activity should be carried out in accordance with the Finance and Procurement Procedure Rules, which further includes that where a contract is deemed to be day to day provision of services that was in the contemplation of the Council when the revenue budget was approved


Rotherham MBC to enter into a direct award 5-year (60 month) contract with AMP Biomass Ltd for the supply of Biomass via the YPO (0010800) supply of Renewable Biomass Framework.

Reasons for the Decision:

This decision will ensure the continued supply of biomass, and therefore heat, to the affected Council sites, including three residential district heating schemes. The procurement option selected is a compliant route to market in line with the Public Contract Regulation 2015.

Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

Other procurement options through several Public Buying Organisations (PBOs) were explored including CCS, ESPO or THE, but no other suitable frameworks were identified.

Decommissioning the contract was not considered due to the importance of maintaining heat to the affected Council buildings and homes.

Conflicts of interest declared by any Cabinet Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:

It is confirmed that there are no known conflicts of interest (personal or financial) with any of the individuals involved in the development of this tender and any potential tenderers in this field who may submit a bid. 

Dispensations Granted:

(If any)

Not Applicable.


Reports or parts of reports considered

22-253 Procurement Business Case and Tender Evaluation Report (Exempt from publication).



I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to ….


Rotherham MBC to enter into a direct award 5-year (60 month) contract with AMP Biomass Ltd for the supply of Biomass via the YPO (0010800) supply of Renewable Biomass Framework.


Signed by the Decision Maker  



A signature on a white background Description automatically generated


Dated: 13/08/2024 


Name: Kevin Fisher                             

Job Title: Assistant Director, Property and Facilities Services



If you require any assistance in the completion of the decision record please contact the Governance Team