Officer Decisions

Officers exercise delegated decision making powers in respect of both non-executive and executive functions of the Council.

The present Scheme of Delegation from the Leader of the Council, which sets out how executive functions will be discharged, provides for delegated decision making by officers. Appendix 9 of the Constitution sets out the non-executive functions delegated to officers. All executive functions, other than those reserved by Cabinet, may be discharged by officers.

The Chief Executive and Strategic Directors of the Council have established their own sub-schemes of delegation detailing which and how both non-executive and executive functions will be discharged on behalf of the authority.

Decision records for the discharge of functions by officers are published below. These decision records set out the following information:-

Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by Council officers.

Officer Decisions
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Increasing the portfolio of Dispersed Supported Accommodation ref: 177406/09/202406/09/2024Not for call-in
Award of Construction Contract for the joint Adult Care and Housing development in Canklow ref: 176929/08/202429/08/2024Not for call-in
Wings Week - RAF Standard ref: 176827/08/202427/08/2024Not for call-in
Persistent Parking Evaders - Foreign and Unregistered Vehicles ref: 176704/09/202404/09/2024Not for call-in
Proposed traffic calming (road humps) on Bradgate Lane, Kimberworth. ref: 176505/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Tender Report - Progression of Packman Road retaining wall rebuilding ref: 176405/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Feasibility Fund Allocation: Strategic Sites ref: 176205/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Feasibility Fund Allocation: Rotherham Markets Future Vision and Operations ref: 176105/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Rother Valley Country Park Full Business Case and Tender Evaluation Report ref: 176329/08/202429/08/2024Not for call-in
Ukraine Independence Day 2024 - Raising the Ukraine Flag (Riverside House) ref: 175920/08/202420/08/2024Not for call-in
Section 19 Report for Storm Babet ref: 176029/08/202429/08/2024Not for call-in
Award of Construction Contract for 10 New Homes in West Melton ref: 175820/08/202420/08/2024Not for call-in
24-017 Footway Micro Asphalt - Procurement exercise to access Yorkshire Alliance Framework of Contractors ref: 175421/08/202421/08/2024Not for call-in
Consultation Update associated with the proposed 20mph speed limit and road humps at Harley. ref: 175505/08/202405/08/2024Not for call-in
Rotherham Regionally Important Geological Sites Series Update ref: 175619/08/202419/08/2024Not for call-in
Biomass Fuel Supply Contract ref: 175713/08/202413/08/2024Not for call-in