petition details

Zebra Crossing and Speed Bump installation on between Flash Lane Park and Bill Chafer Youth Club, Flash Lane, Bramley, Rotherham

We the undersigned petition the council to The area described contains a well used park and youth club but the adjacent road, Flash Lane, has no traffic calming measures, except for a Play ground sign. We would like to see speed bumps at the start and end of the road adjacent to the park and youth club to protect local children. I would also like to see a proper zebra crossing to placed in the middle of the speed bumped area so that the disabled and woman with prams can access the park easily and safely as cars parked on the road often make it difficult to access the dropped kerbs.

The council has been petitioned previously on this matter and has not acted and the situation has become worse since the last petition in 2022.
At peak times it is impossible to cross safely due to the amount of traffic on the roads at this time and the excessive speed of the drivers.
On street parking in the are is making it increasingly difficult for wheelchair users and women with prams to cross as cars park in front of the dropped kerbs making it unsafe to cross and causes visibility issues for both the wheel chair user wanting to cross and the drivers using Flash Lane.
On a recent visit to the park with my 4 year old niece, I witnessed 3 near misses within the 2 hours we were there. One of these incidents included a woman try to cross with a pram and a small child. Vehicles repeatedly travel down this road at speeds that are clearly in excess of the speed limits and it is soon going to have tragic consequences. On and evening cars race down this road at speeds that are clearly double the speed limit and due to the terrible traffic management and increased number of cars in the village the problem is only getting worse

This petition runs from 03/06/2024 to 15/07/2024.

18 people have signed this petition.