petition details

Removal of Mayors picture.

We the undersigned petition the council to remove the picture of the former disgraced Mayor Shaun Wright from the building of the Town Hall and anywhere else he is displayed within the premises of RMBC.

Shaun Wright, the Ex councillor who was head of children’s services from 2005 to 2010 let more than 1500 young woman, girls and boys down by his failure to do his job whilst he was an elected member and caused untold suffering to victims by his silence.

To have his picture displayed within the walls of the Town Hall is a travesty and an insult to those that suffered from CSE and we call on Rotherham Council to remove this picture and replace it with a QR code that will inform people why there is a gap in pictures that will occur due to the removal of this former disgraced Mayor’s picture.

The then home secretary, Theresa May said “The police and local council failed the victims of these awful crimes and failed the people of Rotherham” we should not be remembering people or displaying people who let our Town so badly down, so with that this Council should immediately remove the picture once this petition and debate has occurred.

This petition ran from 20/02/2024 to 02/06/2024 and has now finished.

28 people signed this petition.