petition details

Resurfacing Roads

We the undersigned petition the council to have our roads resurfaced on the following roads in Maltby:- Manor Road Davy Drive Cheetham Drive Norwood Ave Limes Way School Walk Norwood Close Manor Close All these Roads have looked more like a garden than a road, these roads are breaking up and the seals that are supposed to be in place are that degraded that weeds continually grow regardless of the time of year. We ask that RMBC resurface these roads and bring them up to a safe and respectable condition so that we have roads and not botanical gardens to drive on.

For years the residents of this estate have had to endure weeds, sometimes knee high that are growing from the road surface. Whilst driving to other parts of Rotherham it is very noticeable that other areas do not suffer the same as we do and we deserve a nice area to live.

This petition ran from 17/10/2023 to 08/01/2024 and has now finished.

Nobody signed this petition.