Executive post

Cabinet Member - Adult Social Care and Health


 This portfolio retains the oversight and all commissioning activities and provision of adult social care, public health functions and the interface with NHS. The main thrust is to provide services in a personalised manner around the citizen, including the “My Front Door” programme, and to lead on the integration of local health and adult social care services. The portfolio has responsibility for the delivery of modern Adult Social Care services, as well as Public Health functions.


·       Adult Social Services including adult safeguarding, services for older people, a range of services to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities, support for people with mental health issues and dementia, and services to support people with physical disabilities

·       Arrangements from childhood to adulthood for people with complex needs

·       Lead member for preparation of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment with health partners

·       Lead for liaison with health partners to lead on the integration of local health services including prevention/early intervention activity

·       Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board

·       Public Health, including overseeing the Health Protection Plan, health inequalities, prevention and improvement

·       Health Watch Liaison


Post is held by