Issue details

Increase in Government National Minimum fostering allowance rate 2024-25

To seek approval to make the following changes to the allowances that foster carers and others receive:

·     to increase allowances in line with the NMA for fostering (including family & friends), Special Guardianship Orders and Child Arrangement Orders.

·     Increase adoption allowance, respite, and day care rates to the revised basic pay element.

·     Fostering Skills payments to be increased by the 6.88%.

·     That any changes are implemented from or back dated to 1st April 2024

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/05/2024

Open/Exempt: Open;

Department: Children and Young People's Services


Relevant Members, Officers and Stakeholders.

