Local planning authorities have a statutory “duty to cooperate” with other relevant bodies in order to encourage and enable strategic planning. In preparing their Local Plan, Bassetlaw have identified a number of strategic and cross boundary issues on which agreement is sought with Rotherham and a number of other Councils.
As a result, Bassetlaw Council has prepared two Statements of Common Ground to support submission of its Local Plan for examination on:
- Bassetlaw Local Plan
- A1 corridor specifically regarding the Apleyhead Junction Strategic Employment site allocation
There are some implications for Rotherham arising from the Statements which will be detailed in the report.
Being a signatory to the Statement will benefit Rotherham in demonstrating how the Council has cooperated on strategic issues and identifies outstanding areas of disagreement.
The recommendation is that the Council be a signatory to the Bassetlaw Local Plan Statement of Common Ground and A1 Corridor Statement of Common Ground.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022
Open/Exempt: Open;
Decision due: November 2022 by Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
Lead director: Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
Department: Regeneration and Environment
Contact: Winsze Lam, Planning Policy Officer Email: Winsze.Lam@rotherham.gov.uk Tel: 01709 822874.
Cabinet Member has been briefed.
When local planning authorities consult on draft local plans, the statement will form part of the supporting evidence for the plan. The public, stakeholders and interested parties can then comment on the plan and supporting evidence as appropriate.