Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Development Proposals'
- Councillor David Fisher - Personal - Application RB2024/0063 (erection of 100 mw battery storage facility and associated works at land off Moat Lane, Wickersley for Max Design Consultancy Ltd. on the grounds that he held shares in another energy company.
- Councillor David Fisher - Personal - Application RB2024/0321 (erection of 100 mw battery storage facility, creation of bund and associated earthworks and other associated works at land off Moat Lane, Wickersley for Harmony TC Limited on the grounds that he held shares in another energy company.
- Councillor Simon Currie - Personal - Application RB2023/1686 (change of use of residential (use class C3) to residential children’s home (use class C2) at 124 Broom Road, Broom for Homes 4 Young People Ltd. on the grounds of his own personal experiences as a young person.