Councillor Sarah Ann Allen

Profile image for Councillor Sarah Ann Allen

Title: Cabinet Member for Housing

Party: Labour

Political grouping: Labour

Ward: Aston & Todwick

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

Councillor Allen will be holding a surgery, every 2nd Saturday of the month, starting from Saturday the 15th of June. The surgery will be at Aston Joint Service Centre - in the Library, between 10 and 11 a.m. The dates will be as follows:

13th July
10th August
7th September
12th October
9th November
7th December

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Rotherham Town Hall
The Crofts
Moorgate Street
S60 2TH

Bus. phone:  01709 255821



Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 06/05/2016 - 06/05/2021
  • 06/05/2021 - 07/05/2024
  • 07/05/2024 -

Additional Information

Cabinet Member Housing - Councillor Sarah Allen


Sarah was first elected as a Councillor for the Wingfield Ward in 2016. In 2018 she took up Cabinet responsibility for Cleaner, Greener Communities and between 2021 - 2024 was appointed as Deputy Leader with Cabinet responsibility for Neighbourhood Working. As of May 2024, Councillor Allen in responsible for the Housing portfolio.


She has over thirty years’ experience of local government working in Waste, Social Inclusion and Neighbourhood and Community Regeneration. She has worked with many community organisations, been a Board Member for many of them and helped them access funding from local, national, and European funding streams. She is committed to partnership working and the role of Councillors as community champions.


Areas of responsibility include:

·       Responsibility for management, improvement and adaptation of the housing stock

·       Oversight of the Housing Revenue Account

·       Housing Strategy and affordability policies

·       Asset Management (in relation to Housing and HRA assets)

·       Planning for future housing needs (alongside the Cabinet Member for Transport, Jobs and the Local Economy)

·       Selective Licensing and regulation of private landlords

·       Reducing homelessness and rough sleeping


Working with you to help build communities that we can all take pride in has always been a priority for the Council.


We value the contributions that people make within their local area, through volunteering and getting involved in decision making, to really make a difference for everyone who lives there. By building on the work we've already done together we can continue to find new ways to meet the challenges facing Rotherham.


Further information regarding the Aston and Todwick ward can be found on the Council’s website.