Issue - meetings

Keeping Warm in Later Life (KWILLT)

Meeting: 28/02/2011 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Independence Health and Wellbeing (Item 63)

63 Keeping Warm in Later Life (KWILLT) pdf icon PDF 357 KB

- presentation by Jo Abbott, Consultant in Public Health


Jo Abbott, Consultant in Public Health, and Catherine Homer, Health Promotion Specialist, gave a powerpoint presentation on the above research project as follows:-


Why bother in Rotherham?

-        Seasonal excess winter deaths – is there a problem?


Research Project

-        Semi-structured, face to face indepth interviews

-        Recruited 30 older people (aged 55-95) through social groups, mapping and snowball sampling e.g. VAR

-        Tiny tag data logger used prior to interviews

-        25 Health and Social care staff recruited from RMBC and the NHS

-        5 focus groups with service heads and front line staff and older people from Anchor Staying Put, Tassibee and the Salvation Army


What have we learnt so far?

-        Staff and older people identified similar barriers to keeping warn including

Use of technology



Disjointed systems (organisations, care staff, engineers etc.)


-        Poor understanding of technology: heating

People do not understand how to use their boilers

§         Set the timers

§         Temperatures

§         Buttons are too small

§         Digital screens are too small

§         “Can’t see” gas/electric

§         Choose to use other more expensive forms of heating


-        Poor understanding of technology: banking

Older people do not understand modern banking or billing:

§         Direct debits (usually associated with a cheaper tariff)

§         Internet banking (virtual/”can’t see”)

§         Billing information from suppliers unclear – tariff


-              Family and community support

§         People may be socially integrated into their community but they do not necessarily know the relationship between keeping warm and good health

§         People are unaware of the correct temperature their house should be (21oc for main living area 18oc bedroom)


-        Trust

Trust in who is providing the information

§         Local Council

§         NHS

§         Family and friends

§         Trust in technology

§         Lack of trust in private landlords


-        Staff interviews

The mindset of older people:

§         “They get to the stage where they will switch it off (their heating), they will wrap up but they do not understand the importance of the house being warm because they have lived in conditions like that for many years when they were younger, damp cold houses and they do not realise the effect it can have on their health”

§         “Older people see it as a luxury.  I do not think they see it has any bearing on their health”


What next for the project?

-        Focus groups continue including 1 for Elected Members on 25th March, 2011

-        A stakeholder event to look at solutions to be held in the summer

-        Social marketing – getting the message across to older people and staff


What does it mean for us in health and local authorities

-        It raises a few challenges for the months ahead for our services including:-

Implications of introducing “Green Deal”

Technology and “smart meters”

The mindset of staff and older people in Rotherham

Visibility and vulnerability

-        Against a backdrop of a new Health and Social Care Bill and the introduction of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63