Issue - meetings

Presentation about the Rotherham Healthy Schools Service (Cllr W requested to Kay Denton Tarn - she will confirm what format it will take).

Meeting: 16/04/2012 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 59)

59 Rotherham Healthy Schools Service pdf icon PDF 443 KB

- Kay Denton-Tarn, Healthy Schools Consultant to present


Kay Denton-Tarn, Healthy Schools Consultant, gave the following presentation on Healthy Schools Rotherham:-


-        Healthy Schools Beacon Status finalist

-        Met stretch target - £61,548

-        LA Centre of Excellence for Financial Capability

-        South Yorkshire trainers for the National PSHE CPD programme

-        Supported school improvement through a whole school approach to health and wellbeing, inclusion and achievement

-        Involved whole school community


Changing Times

-        Used to be 5 full-time Consultants and 1 Project Officer and 6 additional attached staff – now 1.4 fulltime Consultants

-        Some HS National funding and local funding for TP and Substance Misuse – no national funding, local funding?

-        Was nationally driven Programme – now locally driven Programme


-        Health and Education Partnership - National and local priorities

Obesity Strategy

Drug and Alcohol Strategy

Teenage Pregnancy Strategy

Prevention and Early Intervention

Financial Inclusion Strategy

Tobacco Alliance


-        ‘Health’ in all schools

Issues which impact on attainment, attendance and behaviour

Relevant Legislation awareness

Learning and teaching PSHE and Cit Curriculum

Resource Development

National Consultation in PSHE

Ofsted Inspections – SMSC, attendance and behaviour, anti-bullying, whole school and subject inspections


-        National Healthy Schools Scheme

Personal Social and Health Education

Physical Activity

Healthy Eating

Emotional Health and Wellbeing


-        Whole School Review

Leadership, management and managing change

Policy development

Learning and teaching, curriculum planning and resourcing

School culture and environment

Giving children and young people a voice

Provision of support services for children and young people

Staff continuing professional development needs, health and wellbeing

Partnerships with parents/carers and local communities

Assessing, recording and reporting the achievements of children and young people


-        Numbers working with the initiative

All schools including Pupil Referral Units and Specials

Re-accreditation 77/122

Healthy Foundations Programme


-        Partnership working – Task Groups

Physical Activity

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Healthy Eating

Substance Misuse

Relationships and Sexual Health Education

PSHE Leads (primary and secondary)



-        RoSIP Mission

All children making at least good progress

There will be no underperforming cohorts

All teachers delivering at least good learning

All schools will move to the next level of successful performance


-        Key judgements made during school Ofsted inspections

Inspectors must judge the quality of education provided in the school – its overall effectiveness – taking account of 4 other key judgements:

Achievement of pupils at the school

Quality of teaching in the school

Behaviour and safety of pupils at the school

Quality of the leadership in and management of the school


-        Links to Ofsted inspections

Behaviour and safety of pupils

Inspectors must also consider:

The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils

The extent to which the education provided by the school meets the needs of the range of pupils at the school


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised/highlighted:-


-        All schools had been sent the information for the Positive Playground Initiative to which 70 had responded

-        Very limited resources

-        Involve Elected Members many of which were School Governors


Kay was thanked for her  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59