Issue - meetings

Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Meeting: 05/12/2013 - Health Select Commission (Item 49)

49 Health and Wellbeing Strategy pdf icon PDF 65 KB

-        Progress on implementation by Councillor Wyatt


Councillor Wyatt (Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing) presented a progress report about the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which was twelve months into implementation.  The six strategic priorities of the Strategy were being delivered through a set of workstreams, each with an identified lead officer who had attended the Health and Wellbeing Board to present their action plan. The new outcomes framework to measure progress on the priorities is being developed, linked to the national Public Health Outcomes Framework.


The workstreams and progress to date were as follows:-


Workstream 1: Prevention and Early Intervention

-          Individual commissioning plans for the locally determined priorities (smoking, alcohol and obesity) being developed ensuring they had a focus on Prevention and Early Intervention;

-          An increase in the number of adults screened and offered brief intervention within Primary Care in relation to alcohol;

-          The Clinical Commissioning Group’s Strategy was delivering more alternatives to hospital admission, treating people with the same needs more consistently and dealing with more problems by offering care at home or close to home;

-          Remained 1 of the best performing Health Check Programmes, with 57% of people in Rotherham having completed a first Health Check since 2006.  There will need to be a step change in performance to achieve the 20% annual target of eligible people screened;

-          The ‘Making Every Contact Count’ model had been agreed in principle at the previous Health and Wellbeing Board;

-          The Suicide Review Group had been established and had reviewed all suicide deaths and looked to support actions to improve mental health and wellbeing, including the development of active bereavement support to reduce the risk of suicide in family members.


Workstream 2: Expectations and Aspirations

-          Development of a customer pledge which was currently proceeding through the final agreement stage, but not progressing as well as hoped;

-          Complaints baselines had been collated to enable monitoring of performance against numbers and types of complaints in relation to Customer Service;

-          Practitioner Information Sharing events had taken place for a number of the deprived areas, with the purpose of looking at how to tackle some of the challenges in relation to poverty and deprivation;

-          A single set of Customer Standards had been consulted upon at the Rotherham Show in September and was now being developed by the Council with the intention of rolling out further and seeking sign-up from other partners.


Workstream 3: Dependence to Independence

-          Formal review process being undertaken - to validate that this element of the Strategy was embedded and resulted in effective outcomes;

-          Workforce Strategy Group established and a draft Workforce Strategy now in place;

-          Risk Strategy Task and Finish Group, Terms of Reference and action plan are in place;

-          Shared decision making framework has been agreed;

-          Presentation made to Shaping the Future Provider Forum on 9th July 2013, with presentations to be made to future Crossroads and Age UK Annual General Meetings;

-          Voluntary sector representation on workstream group;

-          Joint  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49