Issue - meetings

Proposal to increase capacity at Aston Academy through basic need funding

Meeting: 17/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 71)

71 Proposal to increase capacity at Aston Academy through basic need funding pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services




1.    That, subject to a successful planning application, approval be granted to the proposal to allocate £4.5m capital to increase capacity by 150 places at Aston Academyby the installation of additional classroom space to accommodate future pupil  ...  view the full agenda text for item 71

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Consideration was given to the report regarding Aston Academy which was currently oversubscribed and the trend set to continue in future years given its popularity.


This report, therefore, sought approval to fund an increase in capacity at the school to accommodate the current and future demand for places, subject to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71