108 Designation of Selective Licensing Areas 2020-2025 PDF 5 MB
Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
1. That Cabinet note the strong evidence and public support for the Selective Licensing of Private Rented properties.
2. That Cabinet designate the areas in Eastwood and the Town centre, Masbrough (as amended by consultation), Maltby South East and Dinnington ... view the full agenda text for item 108
Consideration was given to a report which sought to designate areas of Parkgate and Thurcroft for Mandatory Selective Licensing of private rented housing.
It was reported that on 10 June 2019, the Cabinet had agreed that public consultation be undertaken on the proposed designation of parts of Maltby, Dinnington, Eastwood/Town ... view the full minutes text for item 108
107 Designation of Selective Licensing Areas 2020-2025 PDF 5 MB
Cabinet Portfolio: Housing
Strategic Directorate: Regeneration and Environment
Consideration was given to a report which was submitted for pre-decision scrutiny ahead of the Cabinet meeting scheduled for 19th January 2020 in respect of a public consultation on proposed designation of Selective Licensing Areas.
On 10th June 2019, Cabinet agreed that public consultation be undertaken on the proposed designation of parts of Maltby, Dinnington, Eastwood/Town centre and Masbrough, for mandatory Selective Licensing of private rented housing. At the same meeting in June 2019, Cabinet agreed to the proposed designation of parts of Parkgate and Thurcroft, subject to confirmation by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.
The current report provides detail of the feedback from the consultation. The majority (62%) of respondents expressed support for a mandatory selective licensing scheme. Consequently, the report recommends that these areas are designated as Selective Licensing areas.
Members were interested in knowing more about the reasoning behind the selection of the areas proposed for licensing and proposed boundaries of the selected areas, especially with respect to Addison Square, Dinnington, and Little London. In response, Members were assured that these areas were chosen on the basis of their relative deprivation compared to other parts of the Borough.
Members asked for clarification around the consultation process and asked to have the contact points at schools, supermarkets, and other frequented areas within the Borough. Members showed especial interest in performing a role in the consultation process within their respective Wards.
Members asked specifically about a case in the report that mentioned the landlord response to the proposed change had influenced a revision to the original plan. Further, Members mentioned that the strategies for documentation of drawing boundaries may not be consistent and asked for assurances that the figures are good and reasonably accurate given the data available. Members asked that maps and data visualisations be represented in a clear, reader-friendly format in future.
1. That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.
2. That consideration be given to the presentation of data in a user friendly format when summarising findings from public consultation or other complex numerical or statistical information, with the preferred approach being the style used to present data in Council Plan Performance reports.
3. That arrangements be made to ensure that local Ward Members are briefed by officers ahead of any future consultations conducted by the Council that affect specific wards and councillors be provided with information to circulate to residents through ward surgeries and ward bulletins.
4. That, in the event of Cabinet approving the recommendation in respect of alternative arrangements for Little London in Maltby, the findings of the review be submitted to Overview and Scrutiny Management Board prior to any final decision to proceed with designation or continue with such alternative arrangements.