Venue: Town Hall, The Crofts, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH
Contact: James McLaughlin - Email: (Tel. 01709 822477) The webcast can be viewed at
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest
To invite Councillors and Commissioners to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or personal interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting, to confirm the nature of those interests and whether they intend to leave the meeting for the consideration of the item. Minutes: Councillor Beck declared a personal interest in agenda item 8 – Future Designation of Selective Licensing Areas – on the basis that he was a landlord of property in another area of the borough which was not within the Selective Licensing Scheme. |
Questions from Members of the Public
To receive questions from members of the public who wish to ask a general question in respect of matters within the Council’s area of responsibility or influence.
Subject to the Chair’s discretion, members of the public may ask one question and one supplementary question, which should relate to the original question and answered received.
Councillors may also ask questions under this agenda item.
Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public or press. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 9th July 2018 PDF 127 KB
To receive the record of proceedings of the Cabinet and Commissioners’ Decision Making Meeting held on 9 July 2018. Minutes:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 9th July 2018 be agreed as a true and correct record of the proceedings. |
Developing an Evidence-Based Programme to reunify Young People who are Looked After PDF 133 KB Report of the Acting Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services
Cabinet Member: Councillor Watson (in advisory role) Commissioner: Bradwell
1. That the implementation of the MST-FIT model as part of the LAC Sufficiency Strategy to reduce the number and cost of children in care be approved.
2. That approval be given to progress with plans to set up the MST-FIT service and that the most appropriate method of financing be delegated to the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services once the grant award from the Life Chances Fund is confirmed and reported back to Cabinet. Minutes: Consideration was given to a report submitted by the Acting Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services which proposed the implementation of a Multi System Therapy – Family Integrated Transitions (MST-FIT) service model to address sufficiency for looked after children.
It was reported that MST-FIT made a positive case for a model of intervention where young people could learn to behave differently whilst their families learn and are supported to resume leading their case, with the service enabling residential care to be used as an intermediate step on the journey to parents fully caring for their children.
It was noted that the Life Chances Fund provided local authorities with support to explore opportunities provided by social impact bonds and outcome based commissioning. It was further reported that the Council had been awarded a grant in principle of £85k for a five year period, subject to a final project submission on 31st July 2018.
The project would close the gap in provision for existing children in care by providing a focused treatment programme with the aim of placing children back in a family environment. It was anticipated to complement the work of the Right Child Right Care Board and the suite of services which formed part of the Rotherham Edge of Care offer. Members noted that the total estimated cost of the MST-FIT service was £1.120m per annum, of which £570k was for residential provision in stage 1, which would be funded from the existing out of authority residential placement budget. The balance of £550k for the MST community team and programme management would be funded from gross savings achieved in-year. The exact amount that the Council would need to fund would depend on the financing option selected.
It was reported that the final project proposal to the Big Lottery Fund, who administer the Life Chances Fund Grant, was submitted on 15th June 2018 and a decision regarding the award would be made in early August. It was expected that the service would commence in January 2019.
It was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board had reviewed the proposals at its meeting on 6th August 2018 and had taken the view that the recommended approach should be supported. Furthermore, Overview and Scrutiny Management Board had indicated a preference for Option 2 in the report (Delivery via an outcome based contract in partnership with a social investor and with funding support from the Life Chances Fund), although noted that the final decision on the finance method would be delegated to the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services.
Commissioner Kenny agreed:-
1. That the implementation of the Multi Systemic Therapy – Family Integrated Transitions model, as part of the Looked After Children Sufficiency Strategy to reduce the number and cost of children in care be approved.
2. That approval be given to progress with plans to set up the Multi Systemic Therapy – Family Integrated Transitions service.
3. That authority for determining the most appropriate method of financing be ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
Advertising and Sponsorship Policy PDF 109 KB Report of the Assistant Chief Executive
Cabinet Member: Councillor Read Commissioner: Ney (in advisory role)
1. That the Advertising and Sponsorship Policy be approved.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report submitted by the Assistant Chief Executive which sought the adoption and approval of an Advertising and Sponsorship Policy.
It was reported that there was a need for the Council to adopt a policy to clearly set out what was acceptable in terms of advertising and sponsorship content or material and ensure that there was no conflict with the authority’s priorities, values or services.
It was further reported that the adoption of a policy would:-
· Ensure the Council maximised opportunities and income and secured best value for money · Establish a unified and corporate approach (including best practice) to advertising and sponsorship across the Council · Ensure compliance with legislation, advertising industry codes and other relevant Council policies · Support the development of commercial partnerships with the private sector · Safeguard the image and environment of the borough · Support the Council’s reputation and corporate identity · Protect Members and officers from allegations of inappropriate dealings or relationships with advertisers or sponsors.
That the Advertising and Sponsorship Policy be approved. |
Report of the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services
Cabinet Member: Councillor Watson Commissioner: Bradwell (in advisory role)
1. That the revised Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) Code of Conduct be approved.
2. That the following proposed changes be approved:-
· Use a single aspirational attendance target for both primary and secondary age pupils (the current proposed is 95.3%, which is combined National primary and secondary school average) to avoid confusion with parents and carers who may have children at both primary and secondary schools. · Amend the time period considered in calculating the average attendance of a child to include the previous 12 months and the holiday period. · Allow a penalty notice to be issued when no parental permission has been sought for a leave of absence and attendance has dropped below the National average target.
3. That the Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) Code of Conduct be implemented at the start of the new academic school year in September 2018. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report submitted by the Acting Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services which proposed revisions to the Local Authority Fixed Penalty Notices Code of Conduct in respect of school attendance.
It was reported that the current Code of Conduct was published in 2013 and had been reviewed on a regular basis. Feedback from school and academy leaders in 2017, and an examination of regional practice, had promoted a review of the Code of Conduct. The key changes proposed included:-
· The use of a single aspirational attendance target for both primary and secondary age pupils to avoid confusion with parents and carers who may have children at both primary and secondary schools · The time period considered in calculating the average attendance of a child should be amended to include the previous 12 months attendance including the holiday period · The issuing of a penalty notice when no permission had been sought for a leave of absence where attendance had dropped below the national average target.
It was further reported that the service had sought views and engaged with key stakeholders in a period of consultation that ran from January to April 2018 and had included school and academy leaders, school and academy governing bodies and South Yorkshire Police.
1. That the revised Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) Code of Conduct be approved.
2. That the following changes be approved:-
· Use of single aspirational attendance target for both primary and secondary age pupils (the current proposed is 95.3%, which is combined national primary and secondary school average) to avoid confusion with parents and carers who may have children at both primary and secondary schools. · Amend the time period considered in calculating the average attendance of a child to include the previous 12 months and the holiday period · Allow a penalty notice to be issued when no parental permission has been sought for a leave of absence and attendance has dropped below the national average target.
3. That the Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) Code of Conduct be implemented at the start of the new academic school year in September 2018. |
Future Designation of Selective Licensing Areas PDF 154 KB
Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
Cabinet Member: Councillor Beck Commissioner: Kenny (in advisory role)
1. That public consultation be undertaken on the proposed designation of parts of Thurcroft and Parkgate for Selective Licensing of private rented housing.
2. That a further report be submitted in December 2018 on the outcome of the public consultation to consider designating Selective Licensing areas. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report submitted by the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment which sought approval to consult on the proposed designation of parts of Thurcroft and Parkgate for Selective Licensing of private rented housing.
It was reported that Selective Licensing was the licensing of privately rented housing in a specific area with the aim of improving management standards. Where the Council designates an area, landlords must obtain a licence and comply with conditions, or face legal action including prosecution and financial penalties. Members noted that Selective Licensing was an important tool for the Council and partners, to drive improvements not only in the safety of homes, but to contributory issues related to deprivation.
The data in the report identified areas of Rotherham in Thurcroft and Parkgate, which met the criteria, were within the 20% most deprived areas of England, and additionally had high levels of private rented housing. The report recommended consultation on proposals to designate parts of Thurcroft and Parkgate as Selective Licensing areas, which would help combat problems associated with housing and housing conditions within areas of deprivation, and deliver improved health and social wellbeing outcomes for those communities.
Consideration was given to the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, which had reviewed the proposals at its meeting on 6th August 2018 and resolved that the Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.
1. That public consultation be undertaken on the proposed designation of parts of Thurcroft and Parkgate for Selective Licensing of private rented housing.
2. That a further report be submitted in December 2018 on the outcome of the public consultation to consider designating Selective Licensing areas.
CCTV Priority Capital Investment and Policy PDF 116 KB Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
Cabinet Member: Councillor Hoddinott Commissioner: Ney (in advisory role)
1. That the allocation of £60,000 of funding within the approved Capital Programme for mobile CCTV cameras be noted.
2. That the reviewed CCTV Policy and improved processes be approved.
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report submitted by the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment which sought to allocate £60,000 of capital funding to purchase mobile CCTV cameras and to approve amendments to the CCTV Policy and associated processes.
It was reported that the Budget and Council Tax 2018-19 report to Cabinet and Commissioners’ Decision Making Meeting on 19th February 2018 approved the Council’s Capital Strategy to 2021/22. As part of this, £60,000 of Priority Capital Investment monies were identified for mobile CCTV cameras. Members noted that the utilisation of technology to enhance the Council’s drive to tackle anti-social behaviour was critical to improving the outcomes delivered by the Council and partners alike to deter and punish offenders whilst improving the quality of life of residents.
It was reported that it was apparent that the Council, partners and residents would benefit from increased provision of CCTV technology to provide suitable capacity, capability and flexibility, and to support Ward priorities, Community Action Partnerships and Tasking meetings. Current revenue budgets were not in a position to fund increased provision, and capital funding would therefore be required to deliver enhanced capacity - the equivalent of one camera for each Ward - to deliver the desired outcomes. It was estimated that the cost of each individual CCTV system would be in the region of £3,000, equating to a total cost of £63,000 for the 21 cameras sought. It was confirmed that any potential costs beyond the £60,000 allocation would be dealt with through existing budgets.
It was noted that the cameras would be deployed in accordance with the Council’s revised CCTV Policy, which had been reviewed and updated as part of the project, to ensure that the future use of CCTV was fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
The proposals had been reviewed by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board at its meeting on 1st August 2018 where the following recommendations were made to Cabinet:-
· That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported. · That all Members be notified of the arrangements and process for re-locating cameras in their Wards. · That arrangements be made to notify residents of deployment and use of mobile cameras. · That a report reviewing the use of the cameras be submitted to Improving Places Select Commission six months after implementation.
The Cabinet accepted the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board and
1. That the allocation of £60,000 of funding within the approved Capital Programme for mobile CCTV cameras be noted.
2. That the reviewed CCTV Policy and improved processes be approved.
3. That all Members be notified of the arrangements and process for re-locating cameras in their Wards.
4. That arrangements be made to notify residents of deployment and use of mobile cameras.
5. That a report reviewing the use of the cameras be submitted to Improving Places Select Commission six months after implementation. |
Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
Cabinet Member: Councillor Lelliott Commissioner: Kenny (in advisory role)
1. That the final decision agreeing to the proposal to permanently remove the public phone box at the junction of Chadwick Drive and Braithwell Road, Maltby, Rotherham, be endorsed.
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report submitted by the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment which sought endorsement of a decision taken in respect of consultation to remove a public phone box at the junction of Chadwick Drive and Braithwell Road, Maltby.
It was reported that BT had notified the Council of the proposed closure and removal of a phone box at Maltby. Under Ofcom guidance the Council was required to undertake a two stage public consultation on the proposal. After considering any consultation responses the Council must then make a final decision as to whether it agrees or objects to removal of the phone box. The final decision must be made within ninety days of the Council being notified of the proposal by BT.
It was further reported that it had not been possible within the ninety day timeframe for the Council’s final decision to be made by Cabinet; thus the final decision to agree to the closure and removal of the phone box had been made exercising delegated authority, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy. The decision took into account an assessment of the phone box against a number of criteria and that no consultation responses were received objecting to its removal.
That the final decision agreeing to the proposal to permanently remove the public phone box at the junction of Chadwick Drive and Braithwell Road, Maltby, Rotherham, be endorsed. |
Response to Overview and Scrutiny Recommendations – Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services PDF 93 KB Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health
Cabinet Member: Councillor Roche Commissioner: Ney (in advisory role)
That the response to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services (as set out in Appendix A) be approved.
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given a report submitted by the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health which sought approval to respond to the recommendations of the Health Select Commission in its review of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services.
It was reported that, following discussions between Members, officers and health partners about current substance misuse service provision, and with a new contract commencing in April 2018, the Health Select Commission (HSC) decided to undertake a short review (Spotlight Review). The purpose of the review was to ensure that the Drug and Alcohol Service, operating within a reduced budget, would provide a quality, safe service under the new contract.
The review was undertaken in the autumn of 2017, and a final report was submitted to Council on 23rd May 2018. Under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure rules, the Cabinet is required to respond to any recommendations made by scrutiny and the report was submitted to meet that requirement.
That the response to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services be approved. |
Recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Management Board To receive a report detailing the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in respect of agenda items that were subject to pre-decision scrutiny on 1 August 2018:-
· Developing an Evidence-Based Programme to reunify Young People who are Looked After · Future Designation of Selective Licensing Areas · CCTV Priority Capital Investment and Policy
Minutes: Consideration was given to the circulated report, the contents of which were included as part of the relevant agenda items and details of recommendations included accordingly. |